
Simple shell script for automated domain recognition with some tools

Primary LanguageShell


BannerMaintenance made-with-bash MIT license


  • Enum subdomains, create permutation & wildcard removing with Amass
  • Search subdomains on github with Github-Subdomains
  • Find web services and screenshots withAquatone
  • Nuclei : Configurable targeted scanning based on templates
  • Gau : Fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl for any given domain.
  • Hakrawler : Simple, fast web crawler
  • ParamSpider : Mining parameters from dark corners of Web Archives
  • Gf : A wrapper around grep, to help you grep for things
  • SubDomainizer : Designed to find hidden subdomains and secrets present is either webpage, Github, and external javascripts present in the given URL.



  • Installation & Recon tested on Ubuntu 20.04

Run installer :


If wanted (recommended), configure Amass with the desired API keys by creating a config.ini file.

Create the file .tokens in /root/Tools/Github-Subdomains/ with one or more github token.


./recon.sh -d domain.tld -r -s -c /root/Tools/Amass/config.ini

Options :

-d | --domain (required) : Domain in domain.tld format
-r | --recon (optional) : Search subdomains for the specified domain
-s | --scan (optional) : Scan the specified domain
-c | --amassconfig (optional) : Provide Amass configuration files for better results
-rp | --resultspath (optional) : Defines the output folder


Domain monitoring

The advantage of using amass with the "-dir" option is that it also allows monitoring with a bash script. For example, you can create a cron task that executes the following content at regular intervals:


/root/AutoRecon.sh -d $DOMAIN -c /root/Tools/Amass/config.ini

MSG=$(amass track -d $DOMAIN -dir /root/Recon/$DOMAIN/Amass/ | grep 'Found:')
PAYLOAD="payload={\"text\": \"$MSG\"}"

if [ ! -z "$var" ]
  curl -X POST --data-urlencode "$PAYLOAD"  "$HOOK"
