Dependency control

Way to explicit complexity control


This tool should

  • force explicit assignment of every class or interface to some layer
  • forbid any dependency between layers that not explicitly allowed
  • force to markup IO layers
  • disallow direct dependencies from pure to IO

Report structure

we need some summarizer to access report records

  • summary (number of allowed deps, violations, unknown elements)
  • unknown elements: Unknown elements
    (we don't include UnknownDependsOn* in this list)
    • just list of elements
  • violations: Forbidden, Depends on unknown
    (but we include DependsOnUnknown here)
   - from item / layer
    - to item [/ layer] : position

Possible checker results

  • allowed / forbidden dependencies

  • from item / layer

    • to item / layer
  • unknown dependencies (from item without layers)

  • from item

    • to item / layer
  • unknown dependencies (to item without layers)

  • from item / layer

    • to item
  • unknown dependencies (no layers)

    • from item
      • to item
  • unknown item without dependencies

    • item

How it should operate

Somehow get all definitions from source files - populate Nodes (and dependencies). Dependencies should contain related node id (maybe id should contain a type?), type of dependency, and Position Than we translate it into an elements set - by assigning layers. Maybe just nodes with layers?