
Demo for bug logged in https://github.com/patricklindsay/wice_grid/pull/5

Primary LanguageRuby

Bug Demo

For PR: patricklindsay/wice_grid#5

The auto_reload feature is not working on initial page load because the wice grid js is not initialized.


Just run:

$ bin/setup

This will also seed the db with sample data.

Then fire up the web server: rails s.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Visit the home page
  2. You will see a table that is using wice grid (albeit unstyled)
  3. Try changing the Status select box, nothing will happen
  4. Use a turbolink link on the page, like New project and then Back
  5. Try changing the Status select box, it will work this time

If you try sorting before changing the status then it will initialize the wice grid too and the select box will work, I assume this is because the column heading links are turbolinks enabled.