
WCF Profiles is a set of tools to give you insight on WCF service performance metrics

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

WCF Profiler

WCF Profiles is a set of tools to give you insight on WCF service performance metrics.


You can install the latest stable release using nuget package wcfprofiler.


Drop assembly to bin folder, add behaviors to service configuration - and that's it!


ServiceCallProfiler is a set of endpoint and operation behaviors to log every call to WCF service. Information is sent to log4net logger ServiceCallProfiler. Add behavior as shown on example below to enable profiling:

		<service name="ServiceCallProfilerSample.ServiceImplementation">
			<endpoint address="soap.udp://localhost:16544/" binding="udpBinding" contract="ServiceCallProfilerSample.IServiceContract" behaviorConfiguration="profilerBehavior" />
		<endpoint name="client" address="soap.udp://localhost:16544/" binding="udpBinding" contract="ServiceCallProfilerSample.IServiceContract" />
			<behavior name="profilerBehavior">
				<serviceCallProfiler />
			<add name="serviceCallProfiler" type="wcfprofiler.ServiceCallProfiler, wcfprofiler"/>


ServiceCallProfiler has two options to disable logging large datasets (byte[] arrays and strings longer 1024 symbols) and to disable logging data completely. Example:

		<section name="serviceCallProfiler" type="wcfprofiler.ServiceCallProfilerConfigurationSection, wcfprofiler"/>
	<serviceCallProfiler skipData="true" skipLargeData="true" />


Profiling overhead is fairly low - ServiceCallProfiler adds about 0.05 ms to each call duration on Intel i5-4200U, your mileage may vary. Some log4net configuration is required to achieve low overhead:

  • File logger should be configured to use log4net.Appender.FileAppender+ExclusiveLock
  • It's recommended to use custom XML layout wcfprofiler.ServiceCallProfilerXmlLayout to render logging event with minimal overhead (compared to default log4net.Layout.XmlLayout)

Sample log4net configuration:

	<appender name="ServiceCallProfilerAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
		<file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="logs\" />
		<appendtofile value="true" />
		<rollingstyle value="Date" />
		<datePattern value="dd-MM-yyyy'.log'" />
		<maxsizerollbackups value="10" />
		<maximumfilesize value="20MB" />
		<staticlogfilename value="false" />
		<immediateFlush value="true" />
		<layout type="wcfprofiler.ServiceCallProfilerXmlLayout, wcfprofiler" />
	<logger name="ServiceCallProfiler">
		<appender-ref ref="ServiceCallProfilerAppender" />

Log4net properties

ServiceCallProfiler sets log4net properties:

  • login - name of primary identity from service security context if it exsits, or 'unknown' if it does not
  • method - name of called method
  • inputs - method arguments serialized to json
  • outputs - method outs and refs arguments serialized to json
  • return - return value serialized to json

Call duration is logged as count of ticks and passed to log4net as message content.


Assembly wcfprofiler.tools contains handy and high performant parser ServiceCallProfilerLogParser to handle output of wcfprofiler.ServiceCallProfilerXmlLayout.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.