
C#/.NET client implementation for Hazelcast

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Table of Contents

This is the repository of C#/.NET client implementation for Hazelcast, the open source in-memory data grid. A comparison of features supported by the C# Client vs. the Java client can be found here.

C# client is implemented using the Hazelcast Open Binary Client Protocol

Building the Project

Hazelcast C# Client is developed using VS2013 Community Edition, which can be downloaded for free from Microsoft.

Strong Name Generation

Hazelcast assemblies are signed using a strong name key. To be able to build the project, you will need to create your own strong name key.

This can be done using the sn.exe tools which ships with .NET framework.

sn -k hazelcast.snk

Furthermore, you will need to update Hazelcast.Net/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs with the new public key.

[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo(@"Hazelcast.Test, PublicKey=00240000049e....b3")]

To get the new public key, use the following commands:

sn -p hazelcast.snk hazelcast.key
sn -tp hazelcast.key

Running the Tests

All the tests use NUnit, and require a hazelcast.jar and JVM to run the hazelcast instance. The script build.bat will attempt to download hazelcast.jar for the latest snapshot from Maven Central and will run the tests using the downloaded jar.


You can use the native .NET client to connect to Hazelcast client members. You need to add HazelcastClient3x.dll into your .NET project references. The API is very similar to the Java native client.

.NET Client has the following distributed objects.

  • IMap<K,V>
  • IMultiMap<K,V>
  • IQueue<E>
  • ITopic<E>
  • IHList<E>
  • IHSet<E>
  • IIdGenerator
  • ILock
  • ISemaphore
  • ICountDownLatch
  • IAtomicLong
  • ITransactionContext
  • IRingbuffer

ITransactionContext can be used to obtain:

  • ITransactionalMap<K,V>
  • ITransactionalMultiMap<K,V>
  • ITransactionalList<E>
  • ITransactionalSet<E>
  • ITransactionalQueue<E>

At present the following features are not available in the .NET Client as they are in the Java Client:

  • Distributed Executor Service
  • Replicated Map
  • JCache

Sample Code

A code example is shown below.

using Hazelcast.Config;
using Hazelcast.Client;
using Hazelcast.Core;
using Hazelcast.IO.Serialization;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Hazelcast.Client.Example
  public class SimpleExample

    public static void Test()
      var clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
      clientConfig.GetNetworkConfig().AddAddress( "" );
      clientConfig.GetNetworkConfig().AddAddress( "" );

      // Portable Serialization setup up for Customer Class
          .AddPortableFactory( MyPortableFactory.FactoryId, new MyPortableFactory() );

      IHazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.NewHazelcastClient( clientConfig );
      // All cluster operations that you can do with ordinary HazelcastInstance
      IMap<string, Customer> mapCustomers = client.GetMap<string, Customer>( "customers" );
      mapCustomers.Put( "1", new Customer( "Joe", "Smith" ) );
      mapCustomers.Put( "2", new Customer( "Ali", "Selam" ) );
      mapCustomers.Put( "3", new Customer( "Avi", "Noyan" ) );

      ICollection<Customer> customers = mapCustomers.Values();
      foreach (var customer in customers)
        //process customer

  public class MyPortableFactory : IPortableFactory
    public const int FactoryId = 1;

    public IPortable Create( int classId ) {
      if ( Customer.Id == classId )
        return new Customer();
        return null;

  public class Customer : IPortable
    private string name;
    private string surname;

    public const int Id = 5;

    public Customer( string name, string surname )
      this.name = name;
      this.surname = surname;

    public Customer() {}

    public int GetFactoryId()
      return MyPortableFactory.FactoryId;

    public int GetClassId()
      return Id;

    public void WritePortable( IPortableWriter writer )
      writer.WriteUTF( "n", name );
      writer.WriteUTF( "s", surname );

    public void ReadPortable( IPortableReader reader )
      name = reader.ReadUTF( "n" );
      surname = reader.ReadUTF( "s" );

Configuring and Starting

You can configure the Hazelcast .NET client via API or XML. To start the client, you can pass a configuration or leave it empty to use default values.

NOTE: .NET and Java clients are similar in terms of configuration. Therefore, you can refer to Java Client section for configuration aspects. Please also refer to the .NET API documentation.

After configuration, you can obtain a client using one of the static methods of Hazelcast, as shown below.

IHazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.NewHazelcastClient(clientConfig);


IHazelcastInstance defaultClient = HazelcastClient.NewHazelcastClient();


IHazelcastInstance xmlConfClient = Hazelcast

The IHazelcastInstance interface is the starting point where all distributed objects can be obtained.

var map = client.GetMap<int,string>("mapName");


var lock= client.GetLock("thelock");

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Please join the mail group if you are interested in using or developing Hazelcast:



Hazelcast is available under the Apache 2 License. Please see the Licensing appendix for more information.


Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Visit www.hazelcast.com for more information.