plugins for VCV Rack virtual modular synthesizer
clocked 4 to 1 mux with random switching, probability and length controls.
Each of the 4 channels has a PROBABILITY and LENGTH control. The PROBABILITY (0% to 100%) determines how likely that channel is going to be selected whenever a random switch will occour The LENGTH (2 to 64 clock cycles) determines how long that channel will play once it had been selected.
After the selected channel has been played for the LENGTH number of cycles, a new random mux switch will take place. On each mux switching a pulse is generated on the TRIG output. This can be used to trigger other modules.
To momentarily bypass the mux random switching, a SOLO button is available for each channel. This can be handy to audition the channel while racking or in some live situations.
note that the switching will always happens on multiple of the input clock. So it is possibile to sync with master clock wherever desired.
CVs to modulate PROBABILITY and LENGTH are available.
coming soon...
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