
Tools for Resilio Sync over the GFW

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sync Over the Wall

Redirecting Resilio Sync's tracker and relay connection through a SOCKS server, without using global proxy settings.

通过SOCKS代理连接Resilio Sync的tracker和relay服务器,保持peer连接仍然直连。

Support Resilio Sync 2.5.7+.

支持Resilio Sync 2.5.7以上版本。

Background 背景

Resilio Sync's tracker and relay servers are block by The Wall. Without trackers, Sync can not discover peers on the Internet.

Resilio Sync的服务器被和谐了,没有tracker服务器,就没有办法找到P2P的邻居节点。

Sync does provide a global proxy function, which will redirect both peer connections and server connections through the proxy. It will slow down peer connection speed and it's conflicting to the P2P nature of Sync.


Before we start 在开始工作前

The tools are written in Python. Make sure you have the right environment to run these scripts.

这个工程是Python写的,因此你需要合适的Python 2.7运行环境来运行这些代码。

For Mac Users 对于Mac用户

Download the source code. Install PySocks package (type the following command in a Terminal window):


pip install PySocks

For Windows Users 对于Windows用户

I have created an executable package with py2exe. You can download it here: https://github.com/the729/sync-over-the-wall/raw/master/bin/sync-over-the-wall-x64bin.zip


How it works 如何工作的?

There are 2 ways to use sync-over-the-wall. You should choose one.


For Method 1, you need a SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy server that can go through The Wall. The downside of this method is that you have to keep a script running on your computer all the time when you use Sync.


For Method 2, you need a server that can go through The Wall, and you can configure iptables port forwarding on it. Normally, you can use a cloud VPS such as AWS. This way, you don't have to keep any script running while you use Sync.


Method 2 is recommended if you have the resources.


Following are the detailed explaination and instructions. The original Sync system works like this:



Method 1 方法一


Let Sync cache sync.conf 让Sync下载并缓存我们的sync.conf

First, rename sync.method1.conf to sync.conf. Normally, you don't have to edit it.


Run config_server.py (or config_server.exe) with Admin previledge. It uses hosts file to redirect Sync software to our fake config server. That's why we need Admin.


On Windows, right-click config_server.exe and choose "Run as Administrator".


On Mac, from a terminal, type the command:


sudo python config_server.py

After the fake server is properly running, you have to restart Sync software according to the prompt.


After Sync has downloaded the config file, the fake server will shutdown automatically, and the hosts file will be restored. Since the real config.resilio.com is blocked, Sync can not download the real tracker list. So it will keep using our fake version, which is cached.


If the program blocks at "Restart Sync" message and does not finish after Sync restarted, it is probably because the (fake) certificate we use does not pass the validation. It is wierd that some of the machines I test does not require a valid certificate while some others do. You can manually trust the CA certificate "do_not_trust.crt" (by double click open the cert and add it to the Trusted CA list), and retry this whole step again. Remember to untrust the cert after this step.


Start tracker proxy 启动本机转发服务

Rename proxy.method1.conf to proxy.conf, and edit it with your own SOCKS4/5 proxy server address and port. Be careful that this file must be a valid JSON.


Run tracker_proxy.py (or tracker_proxy.exe). It does not need special previledge. It will transparently redirect Sync tracker connection to the SOCKS server configured in proxy.conf. This script should be kept running.


Method 2 方法二


Let Sync cache sync.conf 让Sync下载并缓存我们的sync.conf

This step is very similar to the same step in Method 1. Rename sync.method2.conf to sync.conf, and edit it to point it directly towards your port-forwarding server.


Then, follow the same steps as Method 1 to let Sync cache the tracker list.


Config your port-forwarding server 配置你的TCP转发服务器

Assuming your server's public IP address is, and and are Sync's primary tracker and relay server:


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4000 -j DNAT --to-destination

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4000 -j SNAT --to-source

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3000 -j DNAT --to-destination

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3000 -j SNAT --to-source

Credits 鸣谢和代码引用

TCP tee proxy code is based on https://gist.github.com/jwustrack/0c7cb063a28ce14766d421e8d8a12fcc


The core idea of Method 2 is based on https://forum.resilio.com/topic/43469-volunteers-required/?do=findComment&comment=121618
