
Angular 7-generated Web Component running inside React. React project uses Typescript and create-react-app.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Running Angular Inside React with Web Components

This is a continuation of my prior project that created a reusable Web Component using Angular 7 Elements. That project illustrated my production project setup and provided a link to an example running on my web site. The example shows the Web Component running inside a browser. Only the most vanilla HTML and Javascript are required to display and interact with the component.

This repo provides an illustration of the exact same Web Component running inside React. I should note that I am not a React developer. The last time I worked with React was Fall 2015, which makes me a novice at best in terms of modern React.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. I read one tutorial on using React with Typescript. That's it :)

So, I can only imagine what an experienced React dev could accomplish.

Author: Jim Armstrong - The Algorithmist


theAlgorithmist [at] gmail [dot] com

create-react-app: 2.1.1

react: 16.6.3

react-dom: 16.6.3

react-scripts: 2.1.1

typescript: 3.2.2

Version: 1.0


Here is the complete source for the App.tsx file.

// this lets any custom component play nicely with TS as far as typings are concerned
declare global {
  namespace JSX
    interface IntrinsicElements {
      [elemName: string]: any;

import React from 'react';
import './App.css';

interface IProps
  width: number;
  height: number;

interface IState extends IProps
  sides: number;
  left: number;
  top: number;
  right: number;
  bottom: number;

import {IRect               } from "./typings/regular-ngon.component";
import {RegularNgonComponent} from "./typings/regular-ngon.component";

export interface IHandler
  (evt: CustomEvent): void;

class App extends React.Component<IProps, IState>
  public static defaultProps: IProps = {
    width: 100,
    height: 100

  public state: IState =
    width: App.defaultProps.width,
    height: App.defaultProps.height,
    sides: 4,
    left: 0,
    top: 0,
    right: 100,
    bottom: 100

  // reference to the Angular-created regular n-gon component with (Canvas) rectangle selector
  protected ngon!: RegularNgonComponent;

  protected _onSides!: IHandler;
  protected _onBounds!: IHandler;

  // blah, blah ... React stuff ... blah, blah ...
  constructor(props: IProps)

    this.state.width  = !isNaN(props.width) && props.width > 0 ? Math.round(props.width) : this.state.width;
    this.state.height = !isNaN(props.height) && props.height > 0 ? Math.round(props.height) : this.state.height;
    this.state.right  = this.state.width;
    this.state.bottom = this.state.height;

    this._onSides  = (evt: CustomEvent): void => this.onSides(evt);
    this._onBounds = (evt: CustomEvent): void => this.onBounds(evt);

  public componentDidMount(): void
    if (this.ngon)
      this.ngon.addEventListener('sides'   , this._onSides);
      this.ngon.addEventListener('selected', this._onBounds);

  public componentWillUnmount(): void
    if (this.ngon)
      this.ngon.removeEventListener('sides'   , this._onSides);
      this.ngon.removeEventListener('selected', this._onBounds);

  public render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <header className="App-header">
          <p>Angular Rectangle Selector and N-gon component rendered inside React.</p>
          <ng-ngon-component ref={(elem: any) => this.ngon = elem} width={this.state.width} height={this.state.height}></ng-ngon-component>
          <p>N-gon sides: {this.state.sides}</p>
          <p>Left: {this.state.left} Top: {this.state.top} Right: {this.state.right} Bottom: {this.state.bottom}</p>
          <p> &copy; <a className="App-link" href="http://algorithmist.net" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Algorithmist</a></p>

  // these are the event handlers for the relevant events emitted by the Angular component
  public onSides(value: CustomEvent): void
    this.setState( {sides: value.detail} );

  public onBounds(value: CustomEvent): void
    const bounds: IRect = value.detail;

    // enforce integer bounds
      top: Math.round(bounds.top),
      left: Math.round(bounds.left),
      right: Math.round(bounds.right),
      bottom: Math.round(bounds.bottom)

export default App;

A typings folder is provided in which I added some d.ts files so that complete typings are available for all the Angular and Typescript files used in creating the ng-ngon-component.

The component takes width and height inputs, which are hardcoded in index.tsx. That may not be the best place, but it was suitable for a quick POC. Documented outputs are two events that emit the number of sides of the regular n-gon (number) and the currently selected rectangular boundary (instance of IRect). These come across as instances of CustomEvent, just like the browser-only example.

The following is where the Angular Web Component is used in the render method,

<ng-ngon-component ref={(elem: any) => this.ngon = elem} width={this.state.width} height={this.state.height}></ng-ngon-component>

The other modifications necessary to get the POC running are in the /public/index.html file.

Running the demo

I have currently only tested a dev build - http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser - in Chrome and Safari on a Mac. I targeted ES2015 in the original Web Component as well as the React build. You are welcome to experiment with polyfills and other browsers in both projects.

Here is a sample screen shot.

Angular inside React

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.


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