
Typescript implementation of the Nelder Mead Simplex algorithm.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Nelder Mead Simplex

Nelder Mead Simplex is a classic heuristic search method for minimizing an objective function in n-dimensional space. While it is often used for unconstrained minimization, it can handle constrained minimization with the addition of a penalty function. This is not considered in the current implementation. While the method can be used with discontinuous functions, it can also converge to non-stationary points. It is also not guaranteed to find a global minimum; the method can become 'locked' in the area of a local minimum.

This implementation of Nelder Mead is optimized for small-dimensional use cases in which the cost of objective function values is large compared to the cost of a single (non-shrink) iteration of the algorithm. Some suggestions for performance optimizations for other use cases are provided in the internal documentation.

Author: Jim Armstrong - The Algorithmist


theAlgorithmist [at] gmail [dot] com

Typescript: 3.8.3

Jest: 25.2.1

Version: 1.0


Installation involves all the usual suspects

  • npm installed globally
  • Clone the repository
  • npm install
  • get coffee (this is the most important step)

Building and running the tests

  1. npm t (it really should not be this easy, but it is)

  2. Standalone compilation only (npm build)

Specs (nm.spec.ts) reside in the tests folder.


Advocates of functional programming should like this distribution as the Nelder Mean algorithm is implemented with a single function. This function, however, requires some additional functions (and constants), all of which are exported from the /src/nelderMead.ts file. Simply import nelderMead from wherever you place the file, i.e.,

import { nelderMead  } from "../src/nelderMead";

There is a zero-tolerance parameter, NM_EPSILON that is defined in this file. In a future release, it is likely to be defined adaptively based on problem size and its interpretation will change based on whether a domain- or function-value specific convergence test is used as a termination criteria.

The function signature is complex, but many of the arguments default to values that are likely to remain unchanged, so only a few arguments are actually used in practice.

export function nelderMead(
  initial: Array<number>,
  objective: (x: Array<number>, params?: object) => number,
  params: object = null,
  maxIterations: number = 0,
  unitLength: boolean = true,
  scale: number  = 1.0,
  reflect: number = 1.0,
  expand: number = 2.0,
  contract: number = 0.5,
  shrink: number = 0.5
): Array<number>

Here is a brief discussion of each argument.

initial : This is the initial guess for a solution. Nelder Mead is somewhat sensitive (in interation count) to the quality of the initial guess. In some respects, it's like Newton's Method - the closer you start to a root, the quicker you get to a root :)

object : This is the objective function to minimize that that takes an array of numerical values and returns a single number that is the objective-function value. The number of elements in the array is the same as the dimensionality of the problem. Optimizing a function of a single variable requires an input array with one number. Optimizing a function of two independent variables, i.e. z = f(x,y) requires an array of two numbers.

params: An optional array of parameters that is used as a well-defined scope in which parameters relative to the objective function may be obtained. For example, consider the Rosenbrock function with parameters a and b . See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenbrock_function for more information. The parameters, a and b are passed in an object,

const rosenbrock: (x: Array<number>, params?: object) => number = (x: Array<number>, params?: object) => {
  const a: number  = params?.['a'] !== undefined ? +params['a'] : 1;
  const b: number  = params?.['b'] !== undefined ? +params['b'] : 100;
  let axsq: number = a - x[0];
  axsq            *= axsq;

  let bysq: number = x[1] - x[0]*x[0];
  bysq            *= bysq;
  bysq            *= b;

  return axsq + bysq;

maxIterations : May be used to override the internal upper limit set on the number of Nelder Mead iterations.

unitLength : Set to true (the default) to create an initial simplex with sides of unit length. If false, the initial simplex is derived by perturbing the components of the initial guess along each of the basis-vector axes. The unit-side initial simplex often leads to a reduced iteration count.

scale : An optional scale factor in the event a larger initial simplex is useful. This value defaults to 1.0 and is only referenced if unitLength is true.

reflect : Reflect coefficient (should be greater than zero and defaults to 1.0).

expand : Expansion coefficient (should be greater than zero and defaults to 2.0). For well-behaved objectives, an aggressive expansion coefficient can be beneficial, but the risk is over-expanding and having to compensate with a number of contractions.

contract : Contract coefficient in (0, 0.5] - defaults to 0.5.

shrink : Shrink coefficient in (0, 1) - defaults to 0.5.

Here is an example call for a one-dimensional function that is limited to no more than ten iterations. The starting point is x = -5.

const f1: (x: Array<number>, params?: object) => number = (x: Array<number>) => {
  return Math.log( 1 + Math.pow(Math.abs(x[0]), 2 + Math.sin(x[0])) );


const solution: Array<number> = nelderMead([-5], f1, null, 10);

and here is an example call for the Rosenbrock function above that shows how to pass optional parameters. This version runs until either a function-value convergence metric is passed or the iteration limit is reached. There are known issues with many of the popular domain-convergence (i.e. size of simplex) tests, so the function-value metric is used but only every other iteration for performance. The starting point is the two-dimensional point, (-1.2, 1).

 const solution: Array<number> = nelderMead([-1.2, 1], rosenbrock, {a: 1, b: 100});

Refer to the remainder of the specs for more usage examples.


(1) D. J. Wilde and C. S. Beightler, Foundations of Optimization. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1967

(2) F. Gao, L. Han, Implementing the Nelder Mead simplex algorithm with adaptive parameters, Computational

Optimization Applications, DOI 10.0007/s10589-010-9329-3

(3) Singer, Saša and Singer, Sanja (2004), “Efficient Implementation of the Nelder-Mead Search Algorithm”, Appl. Numer. Anal. Comput. Math. 1, No. 3, pp. 524–534.


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