
"Cache" implementation done with GenServer

Primary LanguageElixir


Cache like kv store implemenation made in Elixir.

How to use it?

First of all you need to start new GenServer. You can do it with

{:ok, pid} = PseudoCache.start_link()

It is possible to give already created map as an arugment to start_link() function (by defauly, GenServer starts with empty cache/map).

It provides four functions:

  1. put(pid, key, element) - puts k/v pair to cache.
  2. put(pid, key, element, expiration) - puts k/v pair to cache and removes after expiration time.
  3. delete(pid, key) - deletes k/v pair from cache.
  4. get(pid, key) - return element associated to given key.


make test