
the repository stores some qt libraries and simple examples.

Primary LanguageMakefile

This folder stores some qt libraries and simple examples.

  • QThread: a simple QThread using example, there are threads which one inherited from Qthread and the other moved to QThread object.
  • semaphore: a simple semaphore using example.
  • IntervalAlarm: an alarm tool when you are working. You can read its introduction in its README.md
  • cppPropertyInQml: cpp class define property which is used in qml file.
  • cppSingletonInQml: a simple qmlRegisterSingletonType using example.
  • singletonQml: singleton qml type using example.
  • multiThreadVisitClass: an example shows the scene multiple thread visit one class.
  • DbusTest: QtDbus using example, it contains signal emitting and methods calling between processes.
  • DynamicPlugin: simple dynamic plugin example, dynamic library file provides message function, wherever user clicks GUI button executable file will call it.
  • StaticPlugin: simple static plugin example, static library file provides message function, wherever user clicks GUI button executable file will call it.
  • qmlImportAndInherit: the folder has some cases that show how to define ourself qml type and import in special page.
  • cppCreateQmlType: an example that create qml type with C++ and use it in qml file. I create ButtonBase from C++ class QQuickItem, then write MyButton.qml based on ButtonBase class, finally use MyButton.qml in main.qml.
  • cursorStyle: an example that set cursor in Qt application.
  • qReadWriteLocker: an example that use QReadWriteLocker.
  • FatherWidget: an example that show child widget on father widget.
  • TextDialog: an example that use QDialogButtonBox and qRegisterMetaType
  • ProcessDialog: an example that use QProcess
  • FTPClient: dialog example that used QFtp
  • complex: child projects with qt.
  • StringTest: unit test example based on QT
  • PlusTest: unit test example based on QT
  • FatherWidget: child and father relation between two widgets
  • cmakeTest: use cmake to build qt5 project