
My NVIM configuration

Primary LanguageLua

My neovim setup

Plugins used

  1. autopairs - A super powerful autopair plugin for Neovim that supports multiple characters.
  2. barbar - A tabline plugin with re-orderable, auto-sizing, clickable tabs, icons, nice highlighting, sort-by commands and a magic jump-to-buffer mode.
  3. catpuccin - A theme package.
  5. copilot
  6. debugger
  7. fidget
  8. fugitive
  9. gitsigns
  10. lsp
  11. neo-tree
  12. telescope
  13. tmux-navigator
  14. toggleterm
  15. treesitter
  16. trouble
  17. undotree
  18. wakatime

Configuration for my nvim setup

git clone https://github.com/theArjun/my-nvim-config ~/.config/nvim



# Original Source
# https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/.dotfiles/blob/master/bin/.local/scripts/tmux-sessionizer

selected=$(find ~/projects -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type d | fzf)

if [[ -z $selected ]]; then
  exit 0

selected_name=$(basename "$selected" | tr . _)
tmux_running=$(pgrep tmux)

# if not inside tmux session, and not running
if [[ -z $TMUX ]] && [[ -z $tmux_running ]]; then
    tmux new-session -s $selected_name -c $selected
    exit 0

if ! tmux has-session -t=$selected_name 2> /dev/null; then
    tmux new-session -ds $selected_name -c $selected

# if outside just attach
if [[ -z $TMUX ]]; then
  tmux attach -t $selected_name
  exit 0

tmux switch-client -t $selected_name