
Bot that creates GitHub repository using Selenium Web Driver..

Primary LanguagePython

Console Repo Creator


Repo Creator allows to create github repository using console (Command Prompt / Linux Terminal).
It uses Selenium web driver, headless browser and other dependencies to execute.

Why to use Repo Creator ?

  • It is fast and efficient in comparision to create repository opening the browser.

Sample Video

Using Instructions

  • Have Latest chrome or Firefox browser on your system.
  • Have Python installed on your system.
  • Install selenium webdriver for automating the process.
    For installing selenium web driver using pip package manager :

Installing Selenium Module

pip install selenium


python -m pip install selenium

Download Repository

git clone https://github.com/thearjun/repo-creator.git

Run script

python main.py


We love to add your code to our project.
To do so,

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Modify like you want, add your own feature.
  3. Make a pull request.

Future Developments

And, we're working to develop :

  1. Run script using JavaScript.
  2. Integrate this application to apt package manager.
  3. Optimizing speed.

Copyright : Logo downloaded from here. Shoutout to Divjot Singh