
An implementation of gradient descent in javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gradient Descent in JavaScript

Behold, a simple implementation of Gradient Descent! If you want to see a live demo, I have one here.

Getting Started

Make sure you have node and npm installed, then clone the repo and open a terminal in the root directory (where package.json is). Now run the following commands:

npm install
node app.js


The app.js file handles four things: setting hyperparameters, defining callback methods, loading data from a csv, and calling the linear regression method.


This is where the magic happens, starting in the Optimize method.


After a few variables are declared, the raw data that was passed in is converted to a list of objects with x and y properties. This loop gets the x and y values using the column names specified in the method parameters then converts them to numeric values. Next a quick check is performed to verify that nothing went wrong while parsing the numeric values, then a new point is saved.

    // Make sure points are numeric values with x and y as the keys.
    data.forEach(function (record) {
        var nextX = Number(record[x_col]);
        var nextY = Number(record[y_col]);

        if (isNaN(nextX) || isNaN(nextY)) return;
        points.push({ x: nextX, y: nextY });

Once all of the points have been parsed, it's time to run the gradient descent on them. This code just loops for the requested number of steps, calling the stepGradient() method every iteration and saving the results. Oh, there's some extra code in there to call the callback methods too.

    for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
        var result = stepGradient(b, m, points, rate);
        m = result[0];
        b = result[1];

        if (stepComplete != null)
            stepComplete(m, b, i);

    onComplete(m, b);


After all that setup, here's the heart of this app. First, all of the local variables are initialized. Most of the variables are self-documenting, except the constant value. constant is just a left-over value for the two partial derivatives that are used in the gradient descent formula.

var bGradient = 0;
var mGradient = 0;

var N = points.length;
var constant = (2.0 / N);

With everything setup for this iteration the program loops through every data point. During each iteration the mGradient and bGradient values are updated using the partial dirivatives of the error function with respect to m and b respectively.

points.forEach(function (point) {
    mGradient -= constant * (point.y - ((m * point.x) + b)) * point.x;
    bGradient -= constant * (point.y - ((m * point.x) + b));

Finally, the resulting m and b values are calculated and returned. Each value has it's corresponding gradient, multiplied by the learning rate, subtracted from it.

mResult = m - (rate * mGradient);
bResult = b - (rate * bGradient);

return [mResult, bResult];