
Create jest unit tests for alexa skills

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Easily create unit tests for alexa skills.

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Jalexa uses the ask-cli to make requests to your skill. Before running tests with jalexa you need to install and authenticate the ask-cli. You can find out more here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ask-cli

Once the ask cli is configured, you just need to install jalexa in your project:

yarn add -D jalexa

Then add it to your setup files in jest.config.js:

module.exports = {
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ["jalexa/dist/matchers"],


To test your skill, you'll just need the skill id:

import { AlexaSkill, RequestTypes } from "jalexa";

describe("Basic skill test", () => {
  test("Can start conversation", async () => {
    const skill = new AlexaSkill({
      skillId: "amzn1.ask.skill.YOUR_SKILL_ID",

    const response = await skill.speak("open my skill");
