
Banking Management System (IBank) is a mini project application coded in Java programming language built using Eclipse. The application can be used for normal banking purposes.

Primary LanguageJava

IBank (Banking-Management-System)

IBank (Banking Management System) is a mini project application coded in Java programming language built using Eclipse. The database used is DB Browser for SQLite. The file contains the database created for this application with the name “Bank.db”. The application can be used for normal banking purposes and is capable of performing the following functions: -

  1. Create an account
  2. View Profile
  3. Edit Profile
  4. Deposit Money
  5. Transfer Money from one account to another
  6. Withdraw Money from an account
  7. View Customer List
  8. View Transactions
  9. Change Pin

The application is made to be used by a bank employee and not from customer point of view.

The Login username is “IBank_User” and the password is “User@IBank”.

The application is also capable of showing various messages which include: -

  1. Login error when your username or password does not match.
  2. Incorrect name error when you type the name of the person wrong, whose profile you’re trying to view.
  3. Also, when you try to change the pin for your particular account and your pin does not match in your “new pin” and “confirm new pin” field, an error message pops up displaying “Pin does not match”.
  4. Also, there are different message pop ups when you’re successful in doing various operations like creating new account, editing profile, depositing money, transferring money, withdrawing money and changing pin.
