Buster aims at automatizing the repeatedly executed tasks in a development flow. It was build with git flow in mind, therefore it fits perfectly in any project using git as version control system.
- Lint
- PHP Code Sniffer
- PHP Mess Detector
- PHP Unit
Create a file called pre-commit
in the root folder of your project
touch pre-commit && chmod +x pre-commit
File should have following content
#!/usr/bin/env php
$workingDir = __DIR__;
require $workingDir . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$manager = new \Buster\Manager(new \Buster\Git\PreCommit, $workingDir);
$manager->addExecutor(new \Buster\Executor\Lint);
$manager->addExecutor(new \Buster\Executor\PhpCodeSniffer($workingDir . '/vendor/bin/phpcs'));
$manager->addExecutor(new \Buster\Executor\PhpMessDetector($workingDir . '/vendor/bin/phpmd'));
$manager->addExecutor(new \Buster\Executor\PhpUnit($workingDir . '/vendor/bin/phpunit'));
$exitCode = $manager->execute();
if ($exitCode > 0) {
After adding some files to the git and running git commit
you should see Buster running
the validation of the files to be commit. If everything goes well, you will be asked to
provide a commit message. If there were any errors, Buster will inform you about it and
ask you to fix them.
- write read me
- provide installation scripts
- provide other executors for git hooks (composer, db migration, ...)