
The core Solana Program of the Strangemood Protocol

Primary LanguageTypeScript

☼ Strangemood ☼

Strangemood is a decentralized marketplace for video games that's controlled by its sellers. It's like Steam.

Unlike Steam, Strangemood is a protocol, like email or RSS, not a product. Anyone can build their own marketplace on top of Strangemood, just like anyone can make a podcasting app or an email client.

Strangemood puts 5% of sales into a community account on the Solana blockchain. When you sell a game on Strangemood, you get voting tokens that collectively control that community account. In other words, Strangemood is an internet-scale co-op; aka a DAO. Collectively, this organization is called the Strangemood foundation. These fees primarily go to fund ecosystem projects on-top of the protocol, like marketplaces GUIs, game indexes, back-office tools, game-engine plugins, and anything else the community needs. The sellers may also vote to raise or lower the 1% contribution rate, or to update the code of the protocol.