
Play with vagrant and all its goodies

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Vagrant Guide

Warning: this guide uses an un-maintained, abandoned plugin


make generate

vagrant up --provision

vagrant ssh

Within ssh shell:

cd /vagrant && make setup-app run-app

New ssh shell:

curl localhost:3000

Non-ssh(outer) shell:

vagrant destroy

Configure AWS Auth and Region

Vagrant is setup to use the aws profile found in ~/.aws/config & ~/.aws/credentials to determine certs and region defaults (Note: the config file must be present). The default profile is default. You can change the profile by passing in a different value for aws_profile terraform variable. Set the region in the aws profile as the same one you pass into terraform. This is a limitation of the vagrant-aws plugin and terraform provider.

If you get this error message: The image id '[ami-*]' does not exist (Fog::Compute::AWS::NotFound) make sure to set the aws profile region value ~/.aws/config as the same value thats passed into terraform.


Vagrant, by default, provisions a public IP for the ec2 instance. In this guide, port 22 is exposed to allow easy ssh access. The SSH server behind port 22 is secured with via a newly generated priv/pub key found in /keys but a stronger security model may be desired in certain scenarios.

Vagrant is configured to copy your ssh keys and config into the remote machine. This can be disabled by removing the file provision lines in the Vagrantfile.


Run .brev/setup.sh or use a Brev environment