
This is an extractive based text summarization.

Primary LanguagePython


This is an extractive based text summarization. This project's idea is inspired from this technical paper. You can refer either this paper first to get a deep understanding or either you can read the following text to get a overview.

Data Used

This project used BBC's news articles taken from Kaggle. Each article in the data set has around 250-500 words and their corresponding summary has around 90-180 words. The ratio of word count between news articles and corresponding summary is around 40%.

Execution Steps

Following steps are executed in the order mentioned to get the summary:

  1. Text Preprocessing
  2. Sentence Tokenization & Word Tokenization based on N-grams
  3. Calculate TF*IDF score of each word in a sentence
  4. Computing cosine-similarities values between each pair of sentences using TF*IDF and compute average for each sentence.
  5. Take top K sentences based on cosine-similarity average and get their sentene index
  6. Sort the indexes on ascending order and take the sentence from tokenized sentence and put in summary.

Evaluation Procedure

To evaluate ROGUE metric have been used. Generated summary is compared with dataset's summary. Depending on the articles'content, the accuracy achieved is from 55% to 80%. Being an extractive summarizer, this accuracy is pretty good.

Using the Text Summarizer Code

The main.py file initiates the code execution. This file calls the other modules (which are memtioned in the Execution Steps section). Explicitly change in main.py value of variable nGramNumber to use uni-gram, bi-gram, tri-gram and so on.

On the similar lines, you can choose how many sentences you want to retain in the summary from the original text by giving values from 0 to 1 in code line noOfSentences = 0.50*len(tokenizedSentence) in main.py file.

Original text need to be kept in file; file path mentioned in main.pyfile. And the output is given in another output file again mentioned in main.pyfile. Both files path/name can be changed willingly.