A BibTeX source for fzf. Example use:
To select items using fzf from a .bib
file (as in image above):
bibtex-ls references.bib | fzf --multi --ansi
To select, then cite items (using pandoc '@' citation format) from a .bib
bibtex-ls references.bib | fzf --multi --ansi | bibtex-cite
To select, and then pretty print items (in markdown) from a .bib
bibtex-ls references.bib | fzf --multi --ansi | bibtex-markdown references.bib
On the Mac, these can be installed by homebrew:
brew install fzf
brew install bib-tool
brew install go
If you want vim integration:
go get github.com/msprev/fzf-bibtex
go install github.com/msprev/fzf-bibtex/cmd/bibtex-ls
go install github.com/msprev/fzf-bibtex/cmd/bibtex-markdown
go install github.com/msprev/fzf-bibtex/cmd/bibtex-cite
Vim integration
Add this to your vimrc
function! s:bibtex_cite_sink(lines)
let r=system("bibtex-cite ", a:lines)
execute ':normal! i' . r
function! s:bibtex_markdown_sink(lines)
let r=system("bibtex-markdown ", a:lines)
execute ':normal! i' . r
nnoremap <leader>c :call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'bibtex-ls',
\ 'sink*': function('<sid>bibtex_cite_sink'),
\ 'up': '40%',
\ 'options': '--ansi --layout=reverse-list --multi --prompt "Cite> "'})<CR>
nnoremap <leader>m :call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'bibtex-ls',
\ 'sink*': function('<sid>bibtex_markdown_sink'),
\ 'up': '40%',
\ 'options': '--ansi --layout=reverse-list --multi --prompt "Markdown> "'})<CR>
will bring up fzf to insert citation to selected items.
will bring up fzf to insert pretty markdown versions of selected items.
An insert mode mapping, typing '@@' brings up fzf to insert a citation:
function! s:bibtex_cite_sink_insert(lines)
let r=system("bibtex-cite ", a:lines)
execute ':normal! i' . r
call feedkeys('a', 'n')
inoremap <silent> @@ <c-g>u<c-o>:call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'bibtex-ls',
\ 'sink*': function('<sid>bibtex_cite_sink_insert'),
\ 'up': '40%',
\ 'options': '--ansi --layout=reverse-list --multi --prompt "Cite> "'})<CR>
Command line use
bibtex-ls [-cache=...] [file1.bib file2.bib ...]
Lists to stdout the content of .bib files, one record per line.
If the following environment variables are set, then these command line arguments can be omitted.
: path to a cache directoryFZF_BIBTEX_SOURCES
: path to bibtex file; multiple items separated by a ':
The cache directory should be a suitable directory for bibtex-ls temporary files. Parsing BibTeX databases is computationally intensive, so the command caches the results. The cache is updated if the underlying BibTeX file has been changed. If no cache directory is specified, the operating system's directory for temporary files is used.
Pretty print citations (in pandoc '@' format) for selected .bib
entries passed over stdin.
bibtex-markdown [-cache=...] [file1.bib file2.bib ...]
Pretty print items (in markdown) for selected .bib
entries passed over stdin.
Cache directory may be set using the same environment variable as bibtex-ls.
fzf-bibtex uses bibtool to parse BibTeX files. If there is an error, it is likely that your BibTeX file is not being parsed correctly. You can locate the cause, and correct it, by running bibtool directly on your BibTeX file from the command line. Look at any errors reported from:
bibtool references.bib -o parsed.bib
The BibTeX fields that fzf-bibtex asks bibtool to extract from your file
can be seen by running bibtool with this rsc
preserve.keys = On
preserve.key.case = On
print.line.length { 1000 }
keep.field { author }
keep.field { title }
keep.field { year }
keep.field { journal }
keep.field { booktitle }
keep.field { editor }
keep.field { publisher }
keep.field { address }
keep.field { pages }
keep.field { school }
keep.field { volume }
Release notes
- 1.0 (4 November 2018)
- first version
- unite-bibtex -- no longer maintained; this replaces it.