
AOSP SetupWizardLib

Primary LanguageJava


SetupWizardLib is a library in AOSP, it provides a beautiful UI for setup wizards. It can be used for not only platform apps, but also third-party apps, but it isn't published to maven.

The difference between this repo and Google's

Our purpose is to publish it to maven so third-party app developers can use it easily. Everything I've modified is marked as:

// XXX by Trumeet@GitHub: xxx (The description of the modification)

Main modifications

The most import modify is to make it compilable in Android Studio. I've also removed platform mode because it's useless for third-party apps.

You can discover my changes by searching the comments.

How to use

0x00 Add maven repo

Follow the instructions in maven.yuuta.dev to add the repo.

0x01 Implement dependencies

dependencies {
    def swVer = '9r9-15'
    implementation "moe.yuuta.setupwizard:library:$swVer"
    implementation "moe.yuuta.setupwizard:navigationbar:$swVer"

A notice about version

The version of libraries include the branch name and build number. For instance, version 9r9-10 means it is from branch 9r9 and is the 10th build.

The branch name is the shorten form of AOSP branch name. 9r9 represents android-9.0.0_r9. Anyway, always check the latest version of library from maven.


It should work on API 21+, but SHOULDN'T work below lollipop. (I'm not tested enough because of some errors, lol)


It has the same license with AOSP.