
a basic jQuery plugin to show a visual indicator of the active CSS @media query context

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Responsive Design Helper

==== A Developer/Designer Tool

This is a quick and dirty jQuery plugin to place a small HTML DOM box in on a working page that will be a visual indicator of the preset @media query CSS context.

this needs A TON of work to be useful to anyone but me at the moment.

The current road map includes:

(in no particular order)

  • proper documentation
  • proper usage examples
  • denote landscape and portrait orientations
  • feature to click the indicator to cycle through the media query widths and resize window accordingly
  • create options to change position of the context indicator -- maybe on a right+click?
  • consider a templating engine (probably overkill)
  • console functions for realtime threshold changes (I don't know about this)
  • real-time auto-detection of CSS media queries to avoid and outmode the afore mentioned console methods
  • allow for adding fewer OR extra media query contexts in the configuration object (I don't know about this)
  • maybe set an option to look for a flag in the session cookie to be visibly only when a specific variable is present. This will allow for integration with certain CMSs (Drupal, WordPress, Concrete 5, etc.) in admin modes
  • need function to destroy/reset DOM nodes, CSS entries, the appended script tag, and JS objects ---a FULL DESTROY command
  • maybe have that destroy be set on a timer for testing and then it executes. This should be setable in the OPTIONS object
  • create console functions for enabling and disabling the plugin on the fly (need not lose settings)
  • handle defaults better
  • accepting an options object for easy configuration upon instantiation

Your ideas are welcome. [Email Cricket] (mailto:cricketw@WeAreTheInternauts.com)