An environment to prepare for the RHCSA certification, mainly automates server side installation of samba and NFS (RHCSA deals only with the client side)

Primary LanguageShell


RHCSA Vagrant

An environment to prepare for the RHCSA certification, mainly automates server side installation of samba and NFS (RHCSA deals only with the client side)

How to use:

vagrant up will bring three machines controller, share_1 and share_2

Details for these machines are as follows:

Machine name IP address FQDN
share_1 nfs.com
share_2 cifs.com

after the machines are up and running do vagrant ssh controller and from there start practicing.

SSH keys have already been generated on the controller so from the controller you can ssh into any of the 2 machines using

ssh cifs.com

ssh nfs.com

showing NFS shares

showmount -e nfs.com OR showmount -e cifs.com

showing samba shares

smbclient -U cifs //cifs.com/cifs OR smbclient -U cifs //nfs.com/cifs

*password is cifs