
Terraform related projects

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Terraform related projects

Useful Tips

Cache the Provider Plugins

  • Providers can be cached by using TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR so that instead of having to download them each time you run terraform init, terraform will check initially if they exist in that directory and if they're there then they won't be downloaded

Download Plugins and use them from specific directory

  • In cases of having connectivity issues you can use the variable TF_PLUGIN_DIR to point to some location where plugins already exist so that they can be used

Increase Verbosity for Debugging

  • TF_LOG ENV var can be set to specific verbosity level to get a better insight

CLI Usage

# Format all the files in the directory
terraform fmt -recursive

# State file related
# Remove a resource from state file
terraform state rm <id>

# import a resource into state file
terraform import

# show all deployed resources 
terraform state list 

# show specifics about a resource 
terraform state show <id>

# Move resources between different state files (Useful if we want to rename resources but don't want to destroy and re-create them)
terraform state mv

# Preview state file 
terraform state pull


  • From the book Terraform in Action
  • At minimum each module should have main.tf, outputs.tf and variables.tf
# Root Module directory structure
variables.tf # Input variables
terraform.tfvars #variable definitions (Setting the vars)
providers.tf # provider declaration
main.tf # entrypoint
outputs.tf # outputs that can be passed to child modules 
versions.tf # for provider version locking

  • From the course Developing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform (LiveLessons)

Count Attribute

  • By default Terraform creates 1 resource if no count is specified
  • When count attribute is used, Terraform is able to create N Number of resources
# Create 2 S3 buckets
resources "aws_s3_bucket" "s3_bucket" {
    count = 2
    bucket = "localstack-bucket-${count.index}"
  • One use case is to also set count to zero in case you want to achieve the following behavior
    1. The resource to be ignored if its not created # Debugging
    2. The resource to be destroyed if it was created

For Each (Count alternative)

  • Takes a map of values and iterates over it to create a resource for each item in the map
  • Insetad of count it provides an each object which has a key/value for each object in the map
locals {
  buckets = {
    bucket1 = "first-bucket"
    bucket2 = "second-bucket"

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "s3_bucket" {
  for_each = local.buckets
  bucket   = "this-is-my-${each.value}"
  • For each supports also lists but you should use toset with for each to achieve that
locals {
  buckets = [ "first-bucket", "second-bucket"]

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "s3_bucket" {
  for_each = toset(local.buckets)
  bucket   = "this-is-my-${each.key}"


minimum_number_of_buckets = 5
number_of_buckets = var.bucket_count > 0 ? var.bucket_count : local.minimum_number_of_buckets

# Condition
var.bucket_count > 0

# If it evaluates to true

# If it evaluates to false
  • Whatever gets returned is assigned to number_of_buckets variable
variable "bucket_count" {
    type = number

locals {
    minimum_number_of_buckets = 5
    number_of_buckets = var.bucket_count > 1 ? var.bucket_count : local.minimum_number_of_buckets 

Built In Functions

locals {
  // Returns current date and time
  // Example for returned output from invoking the function via terraform cli
  // "2022-10-11T08:51:58Z"
  timestamp     = timestamp()
  current_year  = formatdate("YYYY", local.timestamp)
  current_month = formatdate("MMMM", local.timestamp)
  tomorrow      = formatdate("DD", timeadd(local.timestamp, "24h"))

output "date_time" {
  value = "${local.current_year} ${local.current_month} ${local.tomorrow}"


locals {
  my_list = ["one", "zwei", "three"]
  # Square brackets are used to return a list
  uppercase_list = [for item in local.my_list: upper(item)]
  # Curly brackets are used to return a map
  uppercase_map_convert = { for item in local.my_list: item => upper(item) } 

output "iterations" {
  value = local.uppercase_map_convert

# Filtering 
locals {
  numbers_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

  # return number if the condition evaluated to true
  even_numbers = [for number in local.numbers_list: number if number % 2 == 0]

output "even_numbers_list" {
  value = local.even_numbers


  • For outputting documentation, can be used with a similar syntax of Jinja2
  • The minus sign after the double less than sign is to indicate character stripping from the lines following
locals {
  name = ""

output "your_name" {
  value = <<-EOT
    This is a `heredoc` with directives
    %{if local.name == "" }
    Plase fill in the name
    Hi ${local.name}

locals {
  numbers_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

output "even_numbers" {
  value = <<-EOT
  %{for number in local.numbers_list}
  %{if number % 2 == 0}
  ${number} is even


  • A shared storage medium that stores statefile and can optionally support locking to prevent statefile corruption
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "name"
    key    = "key"
    dynamodb_table = "lock"


  • Used in case we want same configuration across multiple environments (dev, staging, prod)
  • Workspaces are a second state file associated with the configuration
# By default we're already using a default workspace
terraform workspace list # shows default

# Create new workspace
terraform workspace new staging

# Show the current workspace
terraform workspace show

# Select default workspace instead
terraform workspace select default

Custom resources with Python and Null Provider