
💉React way to addEventListener

Primary LanguageTypeScript

💉 React-Event-Injector‍

Build status

Declarative React event manager, slim as 1kb. Uses standard addEventListener underneath, and able to overtake current React API Limitations.

Please - don't overuse this library, as long "React" way to attach events is far more performant, and better working with React itself.


There is 3 Components, exported from this package

  • EventInjector - to inject events somewhere down the tree
  • PassiveListener - to inject "passive" events, which could be quite useful to make application run smoothly.
  • ActiveListener - to inject non "passive" events, as long some events are passive by default.
  • TargetedInjector - to inject events to the specific target.

All components will add events on mount, remove on unmount, and update changed on update if pure is not set.


  • 😀 to inject passive events. There is no way to inject them in "react-way".
  • 😀 to inject events where you need, without relaying on bubbling or capturing or some react details.
  • ☹️ to get native DOM event, not React.Synthetic.
  • ☹️ to work with DOM Tree, not React.Tree.

Injection API

Children as React Element

  • You may provide a single tag, as a children, or use forwardRef to forward ref to the proper target.
import {EventInjector} from 'react-event-injector';
<EventInjector onClick={event}>
 <div>It will inject onClick on me, please pass a SINGLE and HTML tag inside injector</div>
  • Capture events are also supported
import {EventInjector} from 'react-event-injector';
    // capture events are also supported
    // explicity set passive:false to all events. Better set to true
 <div>It will inject onClick on me, please pass a SINGLE and HTML tag inside injector</div>
  • You may nest Injectors one inside another. Injectors is the only way to combine, passive, active, and neutral event listeners.

All injectors implements EventTarget interface, and could be ref-ed by another injectors.

import {PassiveListener, EventInjector} from 'react-event-injector';
<PassiveListener onScroll={event}>
  <EventInjector onClick={event}>
    <EventInjector onKeydownCapture={event}>
      <div>It will inject onClick on me, please pass a SINGLE and HTML tag inside injector</div>

Children as RenderProp

You may provide a single tag, as a children, or use forwardRef to forward ref to the proper target.

import {EventInjector} from 'react-event-injector';
<EventInjector onClick={event}>
 { setRef => (
 <div ref={setRef}>
   It will inject onClick on me</div>

EventInjector, ActiveListener and PassiveListener has the same API, and accept only children and any on-event, or on-event-Capture, as any HTML tag does. The difference is default value for settings.


  • Inject events to any target provided:
import {TargetedInjector} from 'react-event-injector';
  • You may use function as a target
import {TargetedInjector} from 'react-event-injector';
target={() => document.querySelector('#element-i-need')}

In the case of a function, target would be executed twice - on componentDidMount, and right after it, thus it will be able to inject events to sibling elements, not existing on mount.

