
⚙️📦 Gearbox - Renderless state provisioning and composition

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

⚙️📦 GearBox

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Composes renderless containers and manages them in afterlive. Heavily inspired by react-adopt(context compose), react-powerplug(renderless containers) and redux-restate(fractal state).

The purpose of this library is

  • (torque) combine "container"(plugs, context, states), to form more complex structure (gearbox).
  • (transmission) provide a way to access them down the tree (train).
  • (gear train) provide a way to alter their work (transmission).

That's why - gearbox


import {gearbox} from 'react-gearbox';

// consume any "headless" component
const State = gearbox({
   name: <Value initial="Bruce Wayne" />,
   nick: <Value initial="Batman" />,
   team: <UnstatedContainer />,
   enemies: Context.Consumer

// create state and access via renderprops
<State render>
  {({nick}) => <span>cos I am {nick.value}</span>}

// create state, and access it later using train
  <span>cos I am <State.train>{({nick}) => nick.value}</State.train></span>

// unwrap powerplug using transmission
  <State.transmission clutch={({nick}) => ({nick: nick.value})}>
    <span>cos I am <State.train>{({nick}) => nick}</State.train></span>
  • gearbox(gears, options?): Gearbox - creates a Gearbox component. Where

  • gears is a shape of different render-prop-ish components, for example:

    • ReactElements, or
    • FunctionalStatelessComponents, or
    • Context.Consumers.
  • options is an optional field.

    • options.transmission(input, props) => output - build in transmission, to be applied on gears.
    • options.defaultProps - set default props for a future component (note: defaultProps are not reflected on types, PR welcomed)

Produces a Gearbox - renderless container, which will provide torque from all gears as a render prop.

  • transmission(gearboxIn, clutch): Gearbox - created a devired Gearbox, with "clutch" function applied to all stored data. leftMenuController: , topMenuController: , toggler: gear(Toggle, { initial: {} }), // ~ Gearbox is a compound component, and includes 2 sub components
  • Gearbox.train - React Context based long-range torque provider, which will provide access to the parent Gearbox from the nested components.
  • Gearbox.transmission - establish a local (declarative) transmission. Might not be type safe.

Gearbox has only one prop - render, if not set - children is a ReactNode. If set - renderProp(function as a children)

gear(component, props) - a small helper to create elements, without mocking children prop


  • Gearboxes are used to combine gears together, and put them into context.
  • trains - to access distant gearbox.
  • transmission - to adapt data structure for the local needs.


Gearbox could merge output from different component using the keys as names. But sometimes you need a bit another structure, for example - just rename fields.

import {gearbox, gear} from 'react-gearbox';
import {Toggle} from 'react-powerplug';

 const Gearbox = gearbox({   
  }, {
   transmission: ({leftMenuController, topMenuController}) => ({
     isLeftMenuOpen: leftMenuController.value,
     isTopMenuOpen: topMenuController.value,
     toggleLeftMenuOpen: leftMenuController.toggle,
     toggleTopMenuOpen: topMenuController.toggle     

In the same way - you can create a new Components

 const Switch = gearbox({   
   toggle: props => <Toggle {...props} />,
  }, {
   transmission: ({toggle}) => ({
     enabled: toggle.on,
     switch: toggle.toggle     
   defaultProps: {
     render: true, // render props as default
     local: false,  // no context support,
     pure: true, // behaves as a pure component (or readux-connect)

// new component adopted!
<Switch initial={true}>
 {({enabled, switch}) => ... }

The same technique could be used to achieve the same results as recompose's withHandlers

While gearbox itself is withState.

Observed bits

Gearbox utilizes React.Context observerBits feature, not calling Trains if data they consume not changed. With pure option enabled this gives you fine control over update propagation flow.

You may opt-out by using Gearbox.directTrain.

<Gear.train>{({value1}) => <b>will only update, when "value1" got updated</span>}</Gear.train>
<Gear.directTrain>{({value1}) => <b>will update on any GearBox update</span>}</Gear.directTrain>


Gearbox also provides a fancy debugging. Just double check React Dev Tools.

In addition:

  • setDebug(boolean | function) - enableds low-level debug.


  1. Create a gearbox
 import {gearbox} from 'react-gearbox';
 import {Value, Toggle} from 'react-powerplug';
 const Gearbox = gearbox({
   // pass a pre-created Element, as you could do with react-adopt
   storedValue: <Value initial={42} />,
   // pass component, to initialize Element from props (applied only on mount)
   toggle: props => <Toggle initial={props.on} />,
   // pass React.Context
   data: reactContext.Consumer as any, // !! "pure" consumers are not "type safe"
   // or pass it as React.Element
   context: <reactContext.Consumer children={null}/>,

   // you may access all the gearings from above
   smartComponent: (props, {data, context} /* all the props from above*/) => <OtherRenderProp />
   // Unstated container? Anything "render-prop" capable will work.
   stated: <UnstatedContainer />,
  1. Use Gearbox with or without renderprops

By default Gearbox expects ReactNode as a children, and data to be accessed via train, but you may specify render prop, to change this behavior to function-as-children.

render stands for renderProps, on is required by toggle, so required by Gearbox

const App = () => (
    <Gearbox on render>
       {({storedValue, toggle, data, stated}) => <div>...</div>}

const App = () => (
     <Gearbox on>
  1. Use Gearbox.train to get the data
 // once Gearbox is assembled - you can access it elsewhere using gear trains
 const Children = () => (
         {({storedValue, toggle, data, stated}) => <div>...</div>}
  1. Use Gearbox.transmission to adopt the data
 // component based Transmission are NOT type safe
 const Transmission = () => (
       clutch={({toggle, data}) => ({on:toggle.on, toggle: data.toggle})}
         <Gearbox.train> {/* you may use <Gearbox.train_untyped> */ }
             {({on, toggle}) => <div>...</div>}
const Transmission = () => (
       clutch={({toggle, data}) => ({on:toggle.on, toggle: data.toggle})}
       render /* use as render prop */
             {({on, toggle}) => <div>...</div>}
  1. Use transmission to achieve type safe transmission.
const TransmittedGear = transmission(Gearbox, ({toggle, data}) => ({on:toggle.on, toggle: data.toggle}));
