
Ribbon V2 for Theta Vaults

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ribbon v2

Ribbon v2 is the next version for Ribbon's Theta Vault product. It brings several major improvements to the vault and makes the vault operations decentralized.

v2 changes include:

  • Decentralization of Theta Vault operations
  • Improved capital efficiency (100% of vault funds are utilized)
  • No more withdrawal fees, switching to performance fee
  • Meta-Vault strategies by composing multiple Theta Vaults

Getting Started

First, install the dependencies with yarn:

yarn install

Next, we need to populate the .env file with these values.
Copy the .env.example -> .env and fill out the value.
Reach out to the team if you need help on these variables. The TEST_URI needs to be an archive node.


Finally, we can run the tests:

# Run all the tests
yarn test

# Run specific test that matches the pattern -g
yarn run ts-mocha test/RibbonThetaYearnVault.ts --timeout 500000 -g 'rollToNextOption'


Ribbon v2 uses hardhat-deploy to manage contract deployments to the blockchain.

To deploy all the contracts to Kovan, do

yarn deploy --network kovan

The deployment info is stored on disk and committed into Git. Next, we have to export out the deployed addresses in a parseable format for the frontend to use (JSON).

yarn export-deployments

Finally, we can verify the contracts on Etherscan:

yarn etherscan-verify --network kovan


Will run all tests on Ethereum mainnet and a subset of tests on Avax

yarn test

Runs Ethereum mainnet

yarn test:eth

Runs Avax testnet

yarn test:avax