
This is a sample project for demonstrating, testing, and discussing the changes introduced by apple/swift-docc#335.

Primary LanguageSwift


This is a sample project for demonstrating, testing, and discussing the changes introduced by apple/swift#59047 and apple/swift-docc#210.


  • You can find the Swift files in the respective module folders.
  • The Symbol Graph Files are emitted to SampleSymbolGraphProject/.build/symbol-graphs.
  • The documentation archive (prepared for static hosting) is located at docs
  • The live documentation archive is hosted here via GitHub pages.

Build Instructions

Note You might need to switch out the os/arch parts for some of the paths below to match your system.

Build the Swift compiler from apple/swift#59047 (latest build: fb9ecb2)

In the SampleSymbolGraphProject folder, run the following commands to generate the symbol graph files with extension block symbols.

swift package clean && rm -rf .build/symbol-graphs && mkdir -p .build/symbol-graphs
SWIFT_EXEC=PATH/TO/YOUR/APPLE/FOLDER/build/Ninja-RelWithDebInfoAssert/swift-macosx-arm64/bin/swiftc swift build \
  --target SampleSymbolGraphProject \
  -Xswiftc -emit-symbol-graph \
  -Xswiftc -emit-symbol-graph-dir \
  -Xswiftc .build/symbol-graphs \
  -Xswiftc -emit-extension-block-symbols

Check out swift-docc at apple/swift-docc#335 (latest build: 3ae5f3b)

Get the swift-docc-render artifact.

In the swift-docc directory, run the following commands to build docc and generate the doccarchive.

swift build
DOCC_HTML_DIR=/PATH/TO/APPLE/SWIFT-DOCC-RENDER-ARTIFACT/FOLDER/dist .build/arm64-apple-macosx/debug/docc convert \
  /PATH/TO/THIS/REPOSITORY/SampleSymbolGraphProject/Sources/SampleSymbolGraphProject/SampleSymbolGraphProject.docc \
  --fallback-display-name SampleSymbolGraphProject \
  --fallback-bundle-identifier org.test.SampleSymbolGraphProject \
  --fallback-bundle-version 1.0.0 \
  --additional-symbol-graph-dir /PATH/TO/THIS/REPOSITORY/SampleSymbolGraphProject/.build/symbol-graphs \
  --output-path  /PATH/TO/THIS/REPOSITORY/docs \
  --hosting-base-path SampleSymbolGraphProject