
Linux and Arduino link # changing linux sound volume with a potentiometer

Primary LanguagePython


changing linux sound volume with a potentiometer

we can using potentiometer and arduino changing sound volume of linux os live

What do we need ?

  • Arduino
  • potentiometer
  • breadboard
  • a few jumper wire


Step 1 : making the circuit

first of all you have to making circuit like the below picture :

setup circuit

Step 2 : initialize arduino for programming

after making the circuit in step 1, you have to connect your arduino to your PC and in arduino IDE and choose your Arduino type:

choosing arduino

Make sure the Arduino is connected to the computer via the Tools -> port tab, and also remember the name of the device (in this case, the device is /dev/ttyUSB0).


Finally, bring up the desired code from the File -> examples -> Firmata -> standardFirmata tab and uploade it to your Arduino.


Step 3 : stating Arduino programming via python

first before doing anything install required python libraries from src/requiremets.txt

pip install -r src/requirements.txt

also we have to change the source file and put our device name :

device = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # change this

Now we can run the code :

python src/PotentiometricSoundChanger.py 

at the end we can see that we can changing sound volume using a potentiometer.

this will be updated ...