Learner. Honing and practising web technologies and the dirty stuff surrounding C, C++, python and anything I find interesting.
theNamskov's Followers
- ahadziiiFinland
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- BaronAfutu
- benessilfie@hustlebean
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- cathylove11
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- deanclark1Accra Ghana
- dennismachu@Wonchunii
- DolzhenkoEdmonton
- DzifaHodey
- emamoahGhana
- Eyrie64
- FiifideeAndela
- Frimps101Software Developer
- gerald-tetteh-tt
- hackerd2020Weleio investment bank app
- heinryanselmHull, UK
- iamEtornam@SourcesTechnologies
- JohnyoatMinnesota, US
- judeo-sAccra, Ghana
- kangah-codes@PurpleWave
- keziah-odoi
- ManuelXI
- MbamahBloop Global
- owuraku-zenasAccra, Ghana
- pelpuoDSC University of Ghana
- RDjarbeng
- samuelshipsSWE Intern @google Prev @meta, @MLH, @goldmansachs
- Sunday-Binakin
- SydDapsGhana Accra
- theGeniusBintu
- V-GhostAccra, Ghana
- Virtue-226nalo-solutions