
Stevedore is an MSX videogame. © theNestruo & Wonder 2020

Primary LanguageAssembly

Stevedore (MSX, 2020)

Stevedore is an MSX videogame.

This game is to be played on an MSX computer. If you want to play it elsewhere you'll need to use an MSX emulator.

Physical cartridges are available at MSX Cartridge Shop.

The digital edition can be played online (and downloaded) for free at thenestruo.itch.io/stevedore.

Source code

Stevedore is written in Z80 assembly, and assembles to a 48KB ROM MSX videogame cartridge.

The full source code is available at github.com/thenestruo/msx-stevedore.

This source code is provided for reference, archiving purposes, and educational uses.

Stevedore and MSXlib

The game is powered by MSXlib and, therefore, contains a snapshot of MSXlib.

Stevedore can be seen as the first full example of using (and extending) MSXlib.

But, if you want to use MSXlib yourself, please do not use the version in this repository. Instead, go to the MSXlib repository to get a more complete, up-to-date, and better documented version.


To assemble Stevedore, you will need:

  • GNU make, as the build is makefile-based. You can bypass this requirement by manually translating the contents of the makefile into a .bat or .sh script.
  • tniASM v0.45 as Z80 assembler. Using a different assembler may require adjustments in paths and syntax of the source code.
  • PCXTOOLS v3.0 to convert the PNG images to TMS9918-ready binaries, and Tiled maps to binary files.
  • ZX0 v2.1 to compress the binaries.

Additionally, you can also use:

How to assemble

Run make, as the build is makefile-based.

Files and folder structure

The source code is comprised of:

  • makefile: the build script.

  • games/stevedore/: contains the main Stevedore source code, as well as the graphic assets, maps, musics and sound effects.

    Note: intermediate resources (such as already-converted graphic assets, and already-compressed binary files) are provided for convenience.

  • lib/, libext/, and splash/: contain a snapshot of MSXlib, the external libraries of MSXlib, and the main MSXlib splashscreen. Please do not use these version and go instead to the main MSXlib repository.

    The external libraries used in Stevedore are:



v1.2 (2021-10-18)

  • Digital edition release.
  • Improved experience on emulators (alternative keys to SELECT and STOP).
  • Toolchain updated (PCX files replaced by PNG, and ZX7 compressor replaced by ZX0) to make source code easier to use.
  • CRC32: 859C04AD
  • CRC64: B3F3591B9D61C70F

v1.1 (2020-11-06)

  • Improved cartridge initialization code for compatibility reasons.
  • CRC32: D73F2A46
  • CRC64: BF38D6A8DED456FA

v1.0 (2020-10-18)

  • Initial physical edition release.
  • CRC32: AC18BC5E
  • CRC64: 799D7134D16875F2



This game is free to download but it is NOT FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE, neither digitally or on any physical format, without the explicit consent from theNestruo & Wonder. You can find the official download link only at github.com/theNestruo and thenestruo.itch.io, and you can buy a physical copy of the game only at www.msxcartridgeshop.com.

No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.

Stevedore © theNestruo & Wonder 2020

Please note that hacks and/or ports to run the patched game on different platforms than MSX (such as ColecoVision, Sega SG-1000 or Sega Master System) are considered derivative and/or adaptations of the work, and therefore are not permitted by this license.

Stevedore source code

Stevedore source code (including graphic assets, maps, musics and sound effects) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License). To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

Stevedore © theNestruo & Wonder 2020


Please check the main MSXlib repository for licensing information.

External libraries

The external libraries used by MSXlib and, therefore, by Stevedore, have their own individual licenses. Please check their individual folders for LICENSE or README files, and/or check their web pages:

© theNestruo & Wonder 2020

Concept, code & GFX: theNestruo
Music & SFX: Wonder
Cover art: Sirelion