
A catch-all solution for handling media in your Hugo project

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



  • Go 1.14
  • Hugo 0.61.0


If not already, init your project as Hugo Module:

$: hugo mod init {repo_url}

Configure your project's module to import this module:

# config.yaml
  - path: github.com/theNewDynamic/hugo-module-tnd-media



The data returned by the following map is:

  • .Name
  • .Path
  • .Permalink
  • .RelPermalink
  • .Width ?
  • .Height ?


The only available public returning partial is Get.

It returns the above structured data of the potentially transformed image.

This takes two types of arguments.

  • A file path | String (.) With the above, the function simply returns some data on the image.
  • A map | Map (.) path: A file path | String ...any other key will match a transformation from the hugo or other service API and its value the property to be passed. With the above, the function returns the data of the transformed media.


{{ $path := "/uploads/an-image.jpg" }}
{{ with partial "tnd-media/Get" $path }}
  {{ $url = .RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ $args := dict 
  "path" "/uploads/an-image.jpg" 
  "width" 1024 
  "height" 100 
{{ with partial "tnd-imgix/Get" $args }}
  {{ $url = .RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}


While transformation are passed as parameter to the Get function, the Module can either use Hugo's built-in Image processing solution or imgix

While Hugo's built-in solution gives more than you usually need on any given project, imgix sports more transformations options.

Available transformation options are:

With Hugo or Imgix

  • width (int)
  • height (int)
  • crop (bool)
  • format (jpg|png|tif|bmp|gif|webp)
  • quality (int [0-100])
  • rotate (int [0-360])

With Imgix

All of the above plus any options available through their Image rendering API not listed above.


Settings are added to the project's parameter under the tnd_media map as shown below.

# config.yaml
    storage: bundle


When an image is referenced as /uploads/image.jpg the module and its Get function needs to know if it lives in the project's assets under /assets/uploads/image.jpg or in a headless bundle at content/uploads/image.jpg or in the static directory /static/uploads/image.jpg.

  • bundle
  • assets
  • static

Note that while bundle and assets can both do Hugo image processing, static images cannot and will need imgix to be setup in order to be "transformed".


On top of using the built-in Hugo image transformation abilitym, the Module can also use the power of TND Imgix.

Note that using imgix, image transformed with the Get function will not return any Width or Height

Set Up

In order to use imgix, you just need to set a imgix domain.

      domain: imgix.project.net
# That's it 🎉

For more advanced imgix configuration, head to the upstream documentation from TND Imgix and store those keys alongside the above example under params.tnd_media.imgix


This project is maintained and loved by thenewDynamic.