
Recognition of sequence of digits using tensorflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sequence of digits recognition

Recognition of sequence of digits using tensorflow. All experiments, descriptions together with images of models and performances are described in Sequence of digits recognition.

Sequence of digits recognition

How to use

Single digit recognition

Main file for single digit recognition is main_single_digit.py in the single_digit folder. Open the folder, choose model in the main method and run it by:

py -3 main_single_digit.py

Sequence of digits recognition

You will need to create dataset of sequences of digits. The dataset is created by concatenation of mnist digits. The code for it is in the prepare_dataset.py. Run it by:

py -3 prepare_dataset.py

Three pickle files (train.p, validation.p, test.p) will be created containing training, validation and testing datasets.

The next step is to run main file for training of the sequence recognition models. Main file for it is main_sequence.py in the sequence_of_digits folder. Open the folder, choose the model in the main method and run the training by:

py -3 main_sequence.py

Sequence of digits recognition and localization

You will need to create dataset of sequences of digits. The dataset is created by concatenation of mnist digits. The code for it is in the prepare_dataset.py. Run it by:

py -3 prepare_dataset.py

Three pickle files (train_localization.p, validation_localization.p, test_localization.p) will be created containing training, validation and testing datasets.

The next step is to run main file for training of the sequence recognition models. Main file for it is main_sequence_localization.py in the sequence_of_digits_localization folder. Open the folder, choose the model in the main method and run the training by:

py -3 main_sequence_localization.py

Sequences of digits with variable lenght

You will need to create dataset of sequences of digits. The dataset is created by concatenation of mnist digits. The code for it is in the prepare_dataset.py. Run it by:

py -3 prepare_dataset.py

Three pickle files (train_variable_localization.p, validation_variable_localization.p, test_variable_localization.p) will be created containing training, validation and testing datasets.

The next step is to run main file for training of the sequence recognition models. Main file for it is main_sequences_variable_length.py in the sequences_of_variable_length folder. Open the file, choose the model in the main method and run the training by:

py -3 main_sequence_variable_length.py

SVHN recognition

This task uses real images of house numbers from Street View. Download dataset from http://ufldl.stanford.edu/housenumbers/ and place it into project's root. Run prepare_svhn_dataset.py by:

py -3 prepare_svhn_dataset.py

This will create folder SVHN_data containing prepared dataset. Use file SVHN_recognition/main_SVHN_recognition.py for training in the SVHN_recognition folder. Open the file, choose the model in the main method and run the training by:

py -3 main_SVHN_recognition.py


Single digit recognition

Single digit recognition uses Mnist dataset from tensorflow.

Single layer feedforward model


Single layer feedforward model is baseline model.

Two layers feedforward model


Two layers feedforward model mainly tests the connection of two layers.

Convolutional model


Convolutional model containing three layers of convolution, relu and max pooling, followed by three fully connected layers.

Sequence of digits recognition

Sequence of digits recognition uses dataset of digit sequences created by concatenation of digits from Mnist dataset. You can create the dataset as described in the section How to use.

Recurrent model


Recurrent model uses the same convolutional layers as Convolutional model. The three fully connected layers are replaced by five times unrolled GRU units followed by single fully connected layer. Plus there is dropout after each convolutional layer which is not shown on the picture. You can disable it by setting keep_prob paramter to 1.0 in the main_sequence.py.

Recurrent model with bigger output layer


It is the improvement of the Recurrent model. The single fully connected output layer is replaced by three fully connected layers and relu activation functions. There is dropout between the first and the second, and second and the third. You can tune ropout by keep_prob parameter int he main_sequence.py. It achieves slightly better accuracy then the Recurrent model.

Recurrent model with reshaped convolution


It is model with same layers as sequence.py. The change is in the size of convolutions and number of their filters. The size of convolution is decreasing and the number of filters are increasing in the layers.

Recurrent model with reshaped convolution and batch normalization


It is model similar to sequence_reshaped_convolution.py and it adds batch normalization layers. This model achieves the best accuracy on the testing set. The convolutional part of the model is shown bellow.

Recurrent model with deeper convolution


It is model adding the fourth convolutional layer to sequence_reshaped_convolution.py. The convolutional part of the model is shown bellow.

Recurrent model with doubled layers


It is model doubling the layers of the sequence_reshaped_convolution_batchnorm.py. The convolutional part of the model is shown bellow.

Recurrent model with overlapping stride


It is the same model as sequence_reshaped_convolution_batchnorm.py except the stride of max pooling layers. The max pooled regions are overlapped.

Sequence of digits recognition and localization

Sequence of digits recognition and localization uses dataset of digit sequences created by concatenation of digits from Mnist dataset. The digit sequences are placed on the random location of canvas. You can create the dataset as described in the section How to use.

The task is to correctly classify the sequence of numbers and to localize it. The location of sequence is defened by x, y coordinates and width and height of bounding box.

Deep localization model with weighted loss


Model able to learn the classification of sequences of digits and their localization. The loss function is

loss = 1000 * “classification loss (cross entropy)” + “localization error (meaned squared error)”

Sequences of variable lengths

This is generalization of Sequence of digits recognition and localization. The task is to classify and to localize sequence of digits again, but the sequence has variable length this time. The maximal size of sequence is known. You can create the dataset as described in the section How to use.

Deep localization model with weighted loss for variable length


This is the same model as deep_localization_weighted_loss.py. Only difference is the adaptation to output special "no digit" character.

Deeper localization model with weighted loss for vasibale length


This model is almost the same as deep_localization_weighted_loss_variable_length.py. Only difference is sixth convolutional layer.

SVHN recognition

This task is to recognize house numbers in real word images taken from Google Street View.

Deep localization weighted loss variable length


The same model as deep_localization_weighted_loss_variable_length.py, only difference is that it can output six digits instead of five.

Paper convolution


This model is inspired by paper Multi-digit Number Recognition from Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. It also doesn't use reccurent recognition head. It uses six fully connected layers instead. Each for one digit.

Paper convolution with dropout


This model adds dropout before output layers of model svhn_paper_convolution.py.

No maxpooling


This model replaces 2x2 max pooling layers by 2x2 convolutional layers with 2x2 stride.