Calf tracking software. I will no longer be updating this application. I have taken it off the app store.
- 1
Give user more information when calf is deleted
#374 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Adding functionality to login with TikTok
#380 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Rework getCalvesByTagNumber() method
#378 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Rework the updateCalf() method
#376 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Rework deleteCalf() inside DatabaseRepositoryImpl
#373 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Rework getCalves() inside DatabaseRepositoryImpl
#371 opened by thePlebDev - 0
- 1
- 1
Launch version 2.0
#276 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Reworking the resetPassword() method so that is uses the AuthenticationSource interface
#365 opened by thePlebDev - 1
- 1
- 1
Rework AuthRepositoryImpl exception handling
#348 opened by thePlebDev - 1
- 1
Create wrapper class for FirebaseFirestore
#359 opened by thePlebDev - 1
- 1
- 1
Get more informative RegisterView errors
#352 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Remove the Register Fragment
#350 opened by thePlebDev - 2
multiple modal and ViewModel billing library bug.
#335 opened by thePlebDev - 2
Testing Authentication: Test login functionality
#342 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Refactor with duckduckgo's command channel pattern
#344 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Delete weather page
#340 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Subscription Text
#338 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Rework the edit calf view
#336 opened by thePlebDev - 2
Hook up the subscription code to the UI
#319 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Add the subscription calf check
#333 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Chat with dev on Reddit
#331 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Adding days left/ manage subscription details
#328 opened by thePlebDev - 2
Add loading screen for subscription UI
#326 opened by thePlebDev - 1
ReCreate the new subscription UI
#322 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Get rid of the subscription modal
#320 opened by thePlebDev - 1
- 1
Create better subscription UI
#315 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Fix the broken subscriptions page
#312 opened by thePlebDev - 0
Developer life upgrades
#313 opened by thePlebDev - 1
re work the Subscription page UI
#310 opened by thePlebDev - 0
Calf creation error handling
#309 opened by thePlebDev - 0
- 1
Rework the bottom modal content UI code
#306 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Make the settings back button work
#304 opened by thePlebDev - 1
- 1
Subscription fragment is crashing
#300 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Add the bottom navigation to the Settings page
#298 opened by thePlebDev - 1
Rework the UI for the forgot password page
#296 opened by thePlebDev - 1
- 1
Rework the user Registration code
#291 opened by thePlebDev - 0
Rework login functionality
#285 opened by thePlebDev - 0
Rework forgot password functionality
#287 opened by thePlebDev - 0
rework signup functionality
#286 opened by thePlebDev