Python and Node.js with OpenBCI

alt tag

  • manages the connection between the OpenBCI board and Python
  • exposes the data over UDP
  • socket_server.js a Node.js server that retransmits the data over a Web Socket
  • htdocs/index.html a hack to display data using D3.js

Running the Server

  • Plugin the board
  • python --json (add the --filter_data command to enable the band-stop filter on the board)
  • Optionally use python --json to verify data is coming through
  • Run npm install to make sure you have the dependencies
  • Run node socket_server.js
  • Visit to see your brain waves
  • Optionally use python to view the Web Socket data coming back into Python (requires socketio-client)

Running the Python server/client without the --json flag will cause the OpenBCISample object to be used as the data transmission mechanism. This is for people that want to do some processing in Python.

Dependency List

Python UDP demos require:

  • pyserial

Node sample requires:


Python Web Socket requires:

  • socketio-client