
a bunch of functions to lazy load your plugins for you

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

I have migrated to the lazy.nvim

this Plugin won't be continued

Purpose of this plugin.

NOTE: This plugin can only be used with packer.nvim.

This plugin allows to get a little bit more lazy loading power than you had before with packer.

NOTE: This Plugin was actually not meant to be a plugin but just help me reduce the time it took neovim to load. Which was pretty cool thing but after i realized that this could be used by some other people like me who want to reduce the time neovim takes to load i extracted this to its own plugin.

I have cut down upto 70% of loading time with this plugin. I hope this also helps you.

load function

This plugin exposes you a function called load to which you can pass your plugin table that will be lazy loaded. According to your config for that plugin.

There are two ways to load plugins i call these loaders.

  • autocmd
    This loader uses the vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd in its core. And allows you to load plugin in just a few lines rather than you having to write this autocmd every time.
  • keymap
    This loader lets you load plugin through a keymap or multiple keymaps.

    You can also add this keymap loader inside of the autocmd loader. Which i will discuss in the examples.


    -- plugin name
    name = "foo",
    -- load this plugin after this plugin
    after = "", -- string
    -- table or string: add plugins that the plugin requires which should be
    -- loaded before this plugin
    requires = {}, -- table or a string
    -- after loading the plugin do these things
    on_load = {
        -- to reload buffer after loading plugin
        reload_buffer = true,
        -- plugin configuration loading
        config = function()
            -- require your config modules here
    -- this loader allows you to load plugin using the keymaps
    keymap = {
            -- this table for now just accepts keys this keys
            -- table you can add table
            keys = {
                { { "n", "v" }, "<leader>ff" },
                { "n", "<leader>tt" },
    -- You can load your plugin with autocmd loader with these methods:
    -- 1: events
    -- 2: filetype
    -- 3: file extensions
    -- 4: keymap -> this helps in case you don't want maps to be added before you
    -- go to that file type or that your specified event occurs, etc
    autocmd = {
        -- string or table: you can specify the events for the autocmd or you can
        -- leave this if you are using the ft or ft_ext
        events = {}
         -- string or table: file type in which this plugin should be loaded
        ft = "foo",
         -- table or string: file extension like for *.lua add lua
         -- this is a very important feature because if you want to lazy load the
         -- plugins like norg then you won't have the file type for the norg
         -- files because norg plugin set's the file type for the norg fiels
         -- and the norg plugin won't be loaded.
        ft_ext = "md",
        -- same as the keymap loader
        keymap = {},
        -- a callback function that can be used as a conditional see the gitsigns example
        callback = function()

I can only describe the power of this plugin only by giving you some examples.

  • cmp-dictionary
    This plugin will only be loaded in markdown, html and norg files.
local cmp_dictionary = {
    name = "cmp-dictionary",
    autocmd = {
        -- you can use file's extensions
        ft_ext = { "md", "html", "norg" },
        -- or if you want to use the file type
        ft = { "markdown", "html", "norg" },
        events = "CursorMoved",
    on_load = {
        config = function()
  • Markdown Preview
    Now here we you have to understand something, that this plugin takes on_load table config and than loads it according to the loader config that you specified. Like in this case this plugin won't be loaded in the markdown file type, instead it will add those mapping from autocmd.keymap.keys in the markdown file type and after you press <leader>mp than only this plugin will loaded the markdown-preview.nvim.
local md_preview = {
    name = "markdown-preview.nvim",
    on_load = {
        -- this is very important becuase markdown-preview.nvim won't be loaded
        -- properly it will be loaded but you won't be able to access it from
        -- command line with these command's:
        -- :MarkdownPreview
        -- :MarkdownPreviewToggle
        -- :MarkdownPreviewStop
        -- so to load this you need to reload the buffer.
        reload_buffer = true,
        config = function()
            local g = vim.g
            g.mkdp_refresh_slow = 1
            g.mkdp_browser = "firefox"
            g.mkdp_echo_preview_url = 1
            g.mkdp_filetypes = { "markdown" }
    autocmd = {
        ft_ext = "md",
        -- OR
        ft = "markdown",
        keymap = {
            keys = { "<leader>mp" },
  • norg
    This plugin will only be loaded in norg files or using the keymap gtc which captures the todo(NOTE: at the moment norg removed this feature so this keymap won't be available but you get the idea how to use keymap and autocmd both).
local lazy_load = {
    name = "neorg",
    on_load = {
        config = function()
            -- your config
    -- NOTE: the :Neorg capture has been removed so this keymap won't work
    -- keymap = {
    --     keys = { "gtc" },
    -- },
    autocmd = {
        ft_ext = "norg",
  • gitsigns
    This plugin will only be loaded if the autocmd callback returns true else it will run on Every BufRead event until the extension gets loaded. NvChad does the same as this function.
local gitsigns = {
    name = "gitsigns.nvim",
    on_load = {
        config = function()
            -- load config from here
    autocmd = {
        event = "BufRead",
        callback = function()
            -- this variable is just for my status line which changes the git
            -- git status
            vim.g.__git_is_ok = false
            -- if this commands returns true the next guard will become true and
            -- the plugin will be loaded
            vim.fn.system("git -C " .. vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") .. " rev-parse")
            if vim.v.shell_error == 0 then
                vim.g.__git_is_ok = true
                return true

For more examples you can look into my personal config here.

Adding to the packer.nvim config

To lazy load with this plugin you have to add the opt = true key to the packer plugin table. After that the config for the lazy-loader.nvim in the setup function of the packer.nvim don't add it to the config function it won't be loaded.

Draw Backs

The only draw back of using this plugin is that you can't use the run key in the packer config table anymore in the norg file type. It gives error. Which i will work on a bit latter.