
PI Web API client library for Python generated using the Swagger specification

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PI Web API client library for Python (2017 R2)


This repository has the source code package of the PI Web API client libraries for Python. This version was developed on top of the PI Web API 2017 R2 swagger specification.


  • PI Web API 2017 R2 installed within your domain using Kerberos or Basic Authentication. If you are using an older version, some methods might not work.
  • Python 2.7 and 3.4+


pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi

You may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi. If you are using Windows, remember to open the command prompt running as administrator. You must have Git installed on your machine.

Then import the package:

import osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi 


Install via Setuptools.

python setup.py install --user

(or sudo python setup.py install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi

This library was tested using PyCharm 2018.1.2.


All classes and methods are described on the DOCUMENTATION.


  • Is is highly recommended to turn debug mode on in case you are using PI Web API 2017 R2+ in order to receive more detailed exception errors. This can be achieved by creating or editing the DebugMode attribute's value to TRUE from the System Configuration element.
  • The X-Requested-With header is added to work with CSRF defences.


Please check the test_main.py from this repository. Below there are also code snippets written in Python for you to get started using this library:

Create an instance of the PI Web API top level object.

Basic Authentication

    from osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi.pi_web_api_client import PIWebApiClient
    client = PIWebApiClient("https://test.osisoft.com/piwebapi", useKerberos=False, username="username", password="password", verifySsl=true)  

Kerberos Authentication

    from osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi.pi_web_api_client import PIWebApiClient
    client = PIWebApiClient("https://test.osisoft.com/piwebapi", useKerberos=True, verifySsl=False)  

Retrieving PI data to an Python pandas data frame

    df1 = client.data.get_recorded_values("pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", start_time="*-1d", end_time="*")
    df2 = client.data.get_interpolated_values("pi:\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", start_time="*-1d", end_time="*", interval="1h")
    df3 = client.data.get_plot_values("pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", end_time="*", intervals=15, start_time= "*-1d")
    df4 = client.data.get_recorded_values("pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", start_time="*-1d", end_time="*", selected_fields="items.value;items.timestamp")
    paths  = ["pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoidu", "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\cdt158"];
    dfs1 = client.data.get_multiple_recorded_values(paths, start_time="*-1d", end_time= "*")
    dfs2 = client.data.get_multiple_interpolated_values(paths, start_time="*-1d", end_time="*", interval="1h")
    dfs3 = client.data.get_multiple_plot_values(paths,  start_time="*-1d", end_time="*", intervals="14")
    dfs4 = client.data.get_multiple_recorded_values(paths, start_time="*-1d", end_time="*", selected_fields="items.items.value;items.items.timestamp")

The path from the methods above should start with "pi:" (if your stream is a PI Point) or "af:" (if your stream is an AF attribute).

Get the PI Data Archive WebId

    dataServer = client.dataServer.get_by_path("\\\\PISRV1");

Create a new PI Point

    newPoint = PIPoint()
    newPoint.name  = "SINUSOID_TEST"
    newPoint.descriptor = "Test PI Point for Python PI Web API Client"
    newPoint.point_class = "classic"
    newPoint.point_type = "float32"
    newPoint.future = False
    res = client.dataServer.create_point_with_http_info(dataServer.web_id, newPoint);         

Get PI Points WebIds

    point1 = client.point.get_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid");
    point2 = client.point.get_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\cdt158");
    point3 = client.point.get_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoidu");

Get recorded values in bulk using the StreamSet/GetRecordedAdHoc

    webIds = list()
    piItemsStreamValues = client.streamSet.get_recorded_ad_hoc(webIds, start_time="*-3d", end_time="*",
                                                                   include_filtered_values=True, max_count=1000)

Send values in bulk using the StreamSet/UpdateValuesAdHoc

    streamValuesItems = PIItemsStreamValues()
    streamValue1 = PIStreamValues()
    streamValue2 = PIStreamValues()
    streamValue3 = PIStreamValues()
    value1 = PITimedValue()
    value2 = PITimedValue()
    value3 = PITimedValue()
    value4 = PITimedValue()
    value5 = PITimedValue()
    value6 = PITimedValue()
    value1.value = 2
    value1.timestamp = ("*-1d")
    value2.value = 3
    value2.timestamp = ("*-2d")
    value3.value = 4
    value3.timestamp = ("*-1d")
    value4.value = 5
    value4.timestamp = ("*-2d")
    value5.value = 6
    value5.timestamp = ("*-1d")
    value6.value = 7
    value6.timestamp = ("*-2d")

    streamValue1.web_id = point1.web_id
    streamValue2.web_id = point2.web_id
    streamValue3.web_id = point3.web_id

    values1 = list()
    streamValue1.items = values1

    values2 = list()
    streamValue2.items = values2

    values3 = list()
    streamValue3.items = values3

    streamValues = list()
    response = client.streamSet.update_values_ad_hoc_with_http_info(streamValues)

PI Web API Batch

    req1 = PIRequest()
    req2 = PIRequest()
    req3 = PIRequest()
    req1.method = "GET"
    req1.resource = "https://localhost/piwebapi/points?path=\\\\MARC-PI2016\\sinusoid"
    req2.method = "GET"
    req2.resource = "https://localhost/piwebapi/points?path=\\\\MARC-PI2016\\cdt158"
    req3.method = "GET"
    req3.resource = "https://localhost/piwebapi/streamsets/value?webid={0}&webid={1}"
    req3.parameters = ["$.1.Content.WebId", "$.2.Content.WebId"]
    req3.parent_ids = ["1", "2"]

    batch = {
		"1": req1,
		"2": req2,
		"3": req3

    batchResponse = client.batch.execute(batch)
    point1 = client.api_client.deserialize_object(batchResponse["1"].content, 'PIPoint')
    point2 = client.api_client.deserialize_object(batchResponse["2"].content, 'PIPoint')
    itemsStreamValue = client.api_client.deserialize_object(batchResponse["3"].content, 'PIItemsStreamValue') 

Get an element and an attribute by path

    element = client.element.get_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\City Bikes\\(TO)BIKE")
    attribute = client.attribute.get_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\City Bikes\\(TO)BIKE\\01. Certosa   P.le Avis|Empty Slots",

Generating Web ID 2.0 and getting information

    client = self.getPIWebApiClient()
    pi_data_server_web_id = client.webIdHelper.generate_web_id_by_path("\\\\PISRV1", type(PIDataServer()), None)
    point1_web_id = client.webIdHelper.generate_web_id_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\SINUSOID", type(PIPoint()))
    point2_web_id = client.webIdHelper.generate_web_id_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\CDT158", type(PIPoint()))
    point3_web_id = client.webIdHelper.generate_web_id_by_path("\\\\PISRV1\\SINUSOIDU", type(PIPoint()))
    pi_attribute_web_id = client.webIdHelper.generate_web_id_by_path(
		"\\\\PISRV1\\Universities\\UC Davis\\Buildings\\Academic Surge Building|Electricity Totalizer",
		type(PIAttribute()), type(PIElement()))

    pi_element_web_id= client.webIdHelper.generate_web_id_by_path(
		"\\\\PISRV1\\Universities\\UC Davis\\Buildings\\Academic Surge Building", type(PIElement()), None)

    pi_data_server = client.dataServer.get(pi_dataServer_web_id)
    pi_attribute = client.attribute.get(pi_attribute_web_id)
    pi_element = client.element.get(pi_element_web_id)

    pi_attribute_web_id_info = client.webIdHelper.get_web_id_info(pi_attribute_web_id)
    pi_element_web_id_info= client.webIdHelper.get_web_id_info(pi_element_web_id)
    pi_dataServer_web_id_info = client.webIdHelper.get_web_id_info(pi_data_server_web_id)


Copyright 2018 OSIsoft, LLC.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

Please see the file named LICENSE.md.