
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting started


npm install


npm run server


npm start

Automated testing


npm test:unit

End to end

npm test:e2e


Build an app to allow schools to deliver home-based lessons to students.

The app should comprise:


  • show a schedule of lessons for the week
    • timing of the lesson
    • lesson type
    • teacher
  • allow the student to click into and participate in a lesson


  • should show lesson metadata
  • should show lesson content
  • should allow students to view questions and submit their answers and get feedback
  • we only need to implement for lesson-1 for now, although it would be great if our solution allows us to easily implement other lessons

The following APIs are available:

- GET http:/localhost:3001/lessons/monday
- GET http:/localhost:3001/lessons/tuesday
- GET http:/localhost:3001/lessons/wednesday
- GET http:/localhost:3001/lessons/thursday
- GET http:/localhost:3001/lessons/friday
- GET http:/localhost:3001/lesson/lesson-1
- POST http:/localhost:3001/quiz/quiz-1

Non-functional requirements

  • the app should look good and appeal to both students and teachers