
Kick off

what do you know about the role?

Why do you feel you might be a good fit for it?

Anything that you would want to get to speed on to be a better fit?

JavaScript technical

what is the most complex JavaScript project you have been involved in?

describe the architecture of your latest project

what is the most successful project you have worked on? why do you consider it to be a success?

what is the least successful project you have worked on? why?

what frameworks have you worked with? what do you like and what do you not? what are the advantages and disadvantages of working with frameworks?

how do you organize your code?

which piece of code are you most proud of?

what is type coercion?

what is this? when can this change? how can we guarantee this?

what is asynchronous programming? what techniques are there to manage this in JavaScript?

what is object-oriented programming?

what is functional programming?

when is inheritance a good approach?

What does “favor object composition over class inheritance” mean?

what is close-coupling? what are its disadvantages? how can you prevent it?

what unit testing framework do you use and why? how do you mock or stub dependencies? should you?

what mistakes did you make as a junior JavaScript developer that you no longer do?

what missing feature would you implement in the language?

do you prefer git or svn or another?

  • describe your favourite workflow

If you started a new project what would you hate to see?

A tester comes to you and says the web site is broken. What do you do?

If I asked another developer what it was like to work on a codebase with you, what would they say?

How do you deal with conflict on a team?