= atom-tools README atom-tools is an all-in-one library for parsing, creating and manipulating Atom <http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom> feeds and entries. It handles all the nasty XML and HTTP details so that you don't have to. == Example require "atom/feed" require "open-uri" feed = Atom::Feed.new "http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/ongoing.atom" # => <http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/ongoing.atom entries: 0 title=''> feed.update! feed.entries.length # => 20 feed.title.to_s # => "ongoing" feed.authors.first.name # => "Tim Bray" entry = feed.entries.first # => #<Atom::Entry id:'http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/11/07/Munich'> entry.title.to_s # => "M\303\274nchen" entry.links.last # => {"href"=>"http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/11/07/Munich#comments", "rel"=>"replies", "type" => "application/xhtml+xml"} entry.summary.to_s # => "That local spelling is nicer than the ugly English [...]" Things are explained in more detail in the RDoc. == The Atom Publishing Protocol require "atom/service" service = Atom::Service.new "http://necronomicorp.com/app.xml" coll = service.workspaces.first.collections.first # => <http://necronomicorp.com/testatom?app entries: 0 title='testing: entry endpoint'> coll.feed.update! # => <http://necronomicorp.com/testatom?app entries: 10 title='testing the APP'> entry = coll.feed.entries.first entry.title # => 'html entities'#text # modify the title entry.title = "HTML entities" # store the modified entry coll.put! entry # => #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true> coll.feed.entries.first.title # => 'HTML entities'#text For details on authentication, see the documentation for Atom::HTTP.