
It's the game of Snake, bruh. Rails n' such

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The game of Snake is my "Hello World" equivalent. My quest is to create this game in every programming language I know, or to die trying. I guess, preferrably the latter.

Here is an example using mostly js and JQuery, hosted in Rails.


  1. Jquery powered, using HTML 5 canvas.
  2. private javascript object with public api to prevent cheating.
  3. rails testing with Rspec
  4. javascript testing with Jasmine

##planned features

  1. replace green blocks with rounded blocks/images
  2. replace food blocks with custom image
  3. 8-directional or full 360-degree movement instead of 4-directional.
  4. Rails 4 -- when it's available
  5. sounds, intro and styling.
  6. enhance keyboard control for play/pause.
  7. user accounts with score keeping
  8. auto-pilot/bot. kinda prerequisite for #9.
  9. multiplayer mode....contact server through ajax to update your position, query server for opponent's position.
  10. Make this a rails engine, so you can include it in any website with a bundle install.