
Repository of my thesis work at INRIA Grenoble.

Primary LanguagePython

Repository for transfer RL for social robotics.

This repository contains the implementation of my thesis work titled: "A Study of Universal Successor Features with Generalized Policy Improvement".

The basis of the work consists in the combination of two frameworks for transfer deep reinforcement learning:

  • Generalized Policy Improvement - Barretto et al.
  • Universal Successor Features - Ma et al.

The goal of this thesis work was to combine these two frameworks to improve the rate with which an agent is able to acquire new skills by reusing previously acquired knowledge.

The structure is as follows:


Contains subdirectories that test all the corresponding components of the implementation. The unit tests are mainly focused on obtaining the correct dimensions, obtaining correct Q-values for certain simple cases, and making sure that the training procedure is convergent.


Contains the source code of this project. It is divided in subdirectories that implement a specific logic.

  • agents: implements a variety of agents. Some use the features, some use the position of the agent in a grid aka the state. Some make use of the weights of the task, others dont.
  • env: implements both a simple grid world environment as well as a grid world with rooms as described in Ma et al.
  • epsilon: implements the different types of decay for the epsilon in epsilon greedy.
  • exp: implements the experiment logic.
  • memory: implements the replay memory. Aka Experience Replay, Prioritized Experience Replay, and Combined Experience Replay
  • networks: implements all the neural networks used internally by the agents. Some are augmented to account for the number of parameters.
  • plot utils: implements the logic to visualize the learned successor features using Dash.


To use the environnment, I have included the requirements.txt file which lists all the necessary packages. All the experiments were run using the singulary container image in the directory.

Additional Comments

During the writing of my thesis I ran some additional experiments and made some extra tweaks, so some things may be less documented and some tests may be break since I needed to get quick functionality.