Employee Tracker

Table of Contents

Instructional Video

Instructional Video


This application uses Inquirer and MySql to organize employees of a company through Node.js. With the Employee Tracker, you can view and add departments, roles, and employees of a company, as well as update existing employees.


As this program uses Node.js, Inquirer, and MySql dependencies, you will want to open an integrated terminal in the project folder to make sure those are installed. They should already be listed as dependencies in the package.json file. First, you'll need to make sure the dependancies are installed on your maching by typing "npm i" into the terminal. Then, install the node modules by typing "npm i" into the terminal. It those dependancies are not listed in the package.json file, you can add them by typing "npm i inquirer" or "npm i mysql."


As anyone who runs a business knows, managing and keeping track of employees can get overwhelming at times. This is a basic employee tracker to organize your company by department, what roles that people fill, how much people are compensated for those roles, who your employees are, what role a give employee has, and who they report to. There's not much more to this Employee Tracker at this time so the functionality is limited. But if you're looking for something a little more streamlined than just working with a spreadsheet, look no further.


Starter code was provided but this project was developed by Adam Horn, with guidance from Ryan Skog.


Testing files are not provided but can be done when forking and cloning the repository to your computer.


GitHub username: mradamhorn

Email address: mr.amhorn@gmail.com


License: MIT