
Trumplings runs on Jekyll via GitHub pages. Feel free to fork and contribute.


The physics is handled with box2djs. That's doing the bulk of the heavy lifting. Sidebar buttons control basic functions to create a new randomized trumpling, with randomized horizontal location. A randomize javascript function combined with a numerical trumpling file naming allows the randomization of images on click.


Each sound clip is an independent audio element, with a unique ID. Like this:

<audio id="audio3">
	<source src="/sound/laughing-at-us.mp3"></source>
	<source src="/sound/laughing-at-us.ogg"></source>

The clips are randomized through the javascript:

var randomAudio = Math.floor(Math.random() * (6 - 1 + 1)) + 1;
var audio = document.getElementById("audio" + randomAudio);

To add a new audio clip first upload the .mp3 and .ogg files to the sound directory. Then create the new HTML audio element with the new sequential ID. Then update the randomAudio variable to include the appropriate number of audio elements to randomize.