
A CPU process scheduling simulator created using JavaFX

Primary LanguageJava

Process Scheduling Simulator

The repo contains files for a process scheduling simulator as part of an Operating System course project under the professor Muktikanta Sahu. The JAR executable is a simulator that visualizes the execution of several processes on a single core CPU with user-specified arrival time, burst size and priority. The following scheduling algorithms have been implemented (can be found in "src/algorithm")

  • First Come First Serve (FCFS)
  • Round Robin (RR)
  • Shortest Job First (SJF)
  • Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)
  • Priority Pre-emptive(PP)
  • Priority Non Pre-emptive(PNP)

The application was built with JavaFX in netbeans and looks like this: Input

For the above input, the output is FCFSOutput