Welcome to the Node Express Authentication API repository! This API provides a robust and secure authentication system built on Node.js and Express. It enables you to quickly integrate user authentication into your applications, saving you development time and ensuring a reliable authentication mechanism.
User registration: Allow users to create new accounts securely.
User login: Authenticate users with their credentials and generate access tokens.
Token-based authentication: Utilize JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure and stateless authentication.
Password hashing: Safely store user passwords using bcrypt for optimal security.
Protected routes: Implement middleware to protect sensitive routes and validate access tokens.
Error handling: Handle various error scenarios gracefully and provide meaningful error responses.
Customizable configuration: Easily configure the API to fit your specific requirements.
Getting Started
To get started with the Node Express Authentication API, follow these steps:
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/theadultnoble/express-auth-api.git
Install dependencies: npm install
Set up the environment variables: Create a .env file based on the provided .env.example file and fill in the required values.
Start the server: npm start