GridOPTICS Software System

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

GridOPTICS Software System (GOSS)

The following instructions are to install the goss core modules to a system. This will only install the core system. The core system is capable of executing in an osgi environment out of the box. If you would like to develop in standalone mode please see GOSS-Server.


  1. Clone the goss repository.
  2. Open command line to the repository root (i.e. git/GOSS folder)
  3. Execute gradle build install publishToMavenLocal

That's it the goss jars are now available to be used in the local maven repository and via karaf. In addition the goss-core-feature will also be available in the repository.

Eclipse Integration

  1. Download latest java-ee eclippse (not java developer or other flavor of eclispe)
  2. Open eclipse (use default or specify your own workspace)
  3. Open Eclipse Marketplace (Menu: Help->Eclipse Marketplace ..)
  4. Search for Gradle (Install Gradle IDE Pack and Gradle Integration for Eclipse)
  5. Search for Groovy (Install Groovy/Grails Tool Suite)
  6. Import Gradle Project (Brows to root of the git repository and click Build Models)

Available Integreation Projects