
SnippetBox is a web application that allows users to create and share text snippets with an expiration time. The service uses sessions for authentication and provides various endpoints for different functionalities.


  • Create, view, and share text snippets.
  • Set an expiration time for each snippet.
  • User registration and authentication.
  • User account settings and password update.
  • Secure session management and anti-CSRF protection.
  • Static file serving for CSS and JavaScript.


Non-Authenticated Routes

  • GET / - Home page displaying the list of available snippets.
  • GET /about - About page providing information about the application.
  • GET /ping - A simple endpoint for checking if the server is running.
  • GET /user/signup - User registration page.
  • POST /user/signup - User registration form submission.
  • GET /user/login - User login page.
  • POST /user/login - User login form submission.
  • GET /snippet/view/:id - View a specific snippet.

Authenticated Routes

To access these routes, users must be logged in.

  • GET /snippet/create - Create a new snippet.
  • POST /snippet/create - Create a new snippet form submission.
  • POST /user/logout - Log out the user.
  • GET /user/me - User account information.
  • GET /user/password/update - Change user's password page.
  • POST /user/password/update - Change user's password form submission.

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd snippetbox
  3. Install dependencies: go mod tidy
  4. Set up your MySQL database and update the dsn value in main.go.
  5. Generate TLS certificates or update the paths in main.go for development use.
  6. Run the application: go run main.go
    • You can customize the behavior using the following command-line flags:
      • -addr: Set the HTTP network address (default: ":4000").
      • -dsn: Set the database connection string (default: "web:password@/snippetbox?parseTime=true").
      • -debug: Enable debug mode (default: false).

The application will be available at https://localhost:4000.

Running Tests

  1. Ensure that the application is running.
  2. Run tests: go test ./...


This project is licensed under the MIT License.