r.avaflow Container

This repository contains a MWE to build a apptainer container for the r.avaflow solver. The r.avaflow source code or r.avaflow folder has been downloaded from: https://www.landslidemodels.org/r.avaflow/software/r.avaflow3G_20230411.zip and is licensed under GPLv3. The tests have been taken from:

  • Cascadia Generic Landscape
  • Acheron Rock Avalanche

How to Use

  1. Install Apptainer using the Installation Instructions. For a compute cluster with apptainer already installed, load the Apptainer module instead.

  2. Clone this repository

  3. Change directory: cd ravaflow-container

  4. Build the apptainer container: apptainer build ravalfow-full-x86_64.sif ravaflow-full.def

  5. Run a test case with the following command in the terminal

    apptainer exec ravaflow-full-x86_64.sif grass --tmp-location XY --exec sh <path_to_ravaflow_shell_script>

    where, <path_to_ravaflow_shell_script> could be:

    • test/Cascadia_G20230414/ca.avaflow.rockavalanche.sh
    • test/Cascadia_G20230414/ca.avaflow.start.sh
    • test/Acheron_G20230122/ac.avaflow.start.sh


This container is currently built and tested on Linux for the following architectures:

  • x86_64
  • aarch64